
    汉生:乐乐,怎么没看到丽丽?不是说好一块吃饭的吗?    乐乐:她今天来不了了,去解决她的终身大事去了。    汉生:什么意思?她到底干什么去了?    乐乐:相亲。    汉生:相亲?!开什么玩笑!好好的她去相什么亲啊!    乐乐:我没开玩笑,是真的。一个朋友介绍的,说今天晚上一起吃个饭,见面聊一聊。    汉生:可是她这么年轻,而且条件也不错,干嘛去相亲啊?    乐乐:谁说年轻人、条件好的人就不能去相亲了?你不要对相亲有偏见啊。    汉生:现在都什么年代了,还让别人介绍男女朋友,太可笑了!    乐乐:不是别人可笑,而是你落伍了!现在"相亲"早就成为一种热潮了,除了电视上五花八门的相亲节目,还有各种各样的相亲网站,年轻人都在相亲呢!一点儿也不可笑。     汉生:"相亲"属于旧时代的事情,比如我们父母那一代,他们那时还不能自由恋爱,只能通过相亲来寻找另一半。现在的年轻人当然要自己去寻找真爱,怎么能把自己的幸福交给别人呢!    乐乐:看来你是真跟不上时代了!俗话说的好:"不管黑猫白猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫!"自由恋爱当然好,但相亲也未必不能找到真爱啊!况且现在年轻人的生活节奏那么紧张、生活压力那么大,交际圈子也越来越小了,相亲恰恰是一个认识新朋友、扩大交往范围的好方法。再说了,相亲又不是结婚,觉得合适就进一步交往,不合适就算了呗,又没什么损失。    汉生:可是两个陌生人第一次见面就要考虑、谈论是不是要恋爱甚至结婚,多尴尬啊!     乐乐:我真怀疑你是不是生活在这个时代!如今的年轻人比你想象的潇洒多了!算了,说了你也不明白。改天我给你介绍一个女朋友,你也去体验体验相亲的感觉。     HS: Le Le, where's Li Li? I thought we're supposed to eat together.
LL: She can't make it today, she's off to settle a major life-changing event.
HS: What are you talking about? What's she up to?
LL: She's going on a blind date.
HS: Blind date? Are you joking? Why should she of all people go on a blind date?!
LL: I'm not joking, it's true. A friend set them up. Tonight, they'll meet up, chat and have dinner.
HS: But she's still young, and moreover, she's very eligible. Why did she agree to a blind date?
LL: Whoever said that young and eligible people shouldn't go on blind dates? Don't be so prejudiced about blind dates.
HS: What century is this? Why do we need other people to introduce us a boyfriend or girlfriend. That's just ridiculous.
LL: It's not that these people are ridiculous, it's just that you're behind time. Nowadays, blind dates have already become a craze, besides the various t.v. programs featuring blind dates, there are also all kinds of website catering for blind dates. Young people are really into blind dates! It's not ridiculous at all.
HS: "Blind date" is a thing of the past, for example, during the generation of our parents, they didn't have the freedom to go dating, so they need to go on blind dates to find a partner. Nowadays, young people should look for their true love, how can they let other people interfere in this matter of lifelong happiness!
LL: Looks like you're the one who's behind time! Perhaps this proverb says it best: "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, so long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat!" No doubt it's good to have the freedom to go on dates, but that's not to say that you won't be able to find your true love from going on blind dates. Moreover, the lives of young people nowadays are so fast paced and intense, the pressure is so great, and social circles are just getting smaller. Coincidentally, going on blind dates is the best way to get to know new friends and to expand the scope of your contacts. What's more, going on blind dates doesn't necessarily mean it's about marriage. If it's suitable, then you can bring the relationship to the next level, if it's not, then just forget it. There's nothing to lose.
HS: Two strangers meeting up for the first time and they have to weigh whether they're suitable for each other. Do they discuss about love and perhaps even about getting married, that's so awkward!
LL: I really wonder if you're really living in this century! The young people today are more free-spirited than you can imagine. Forget it, no matter how I say, you won't understand. I'll introduce you a girl some other time so that you can experience for yourself what it's like to go on a blind date.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
How do you prefer to meet your lifelongpartner - in the course of daily life or by going on blind dates set up by relatives and friends? Han Sheng and Le Le hold opposing points of view. Whose side are you on? Lesson Content: HS: Le Le, where's Li Li? I thought we're supposed to eat together.
LL: She can't make it today, she's off to settle a major life-changing event.
HS: What are you talking about? What's she up to?
LL: She's going on a blind date.
HS: Blind date? Are you joking? Why should she of all people go on a blind date?!
LL: I'm not joking, it's true. A friend set them up. Tonight, they'll meet up, chat and have dinner.
HS: But she's still young, and moreover, she's very eligible. Why did she agree to a blind date?
LL: Whoever said that young and eligible people shouldn't go on blind dates? Don't be so prejudiced about blind dates.
HS: What century is this? Why do we need other people to introduce us a boyfriend or girlfriend. That's just ridiculous.
LL: It's not that these people are ridiculous, it's just that you're behind time. Nowadays, blind dates have already become a craze, besides the various t.v. programs featuring blind dates, there are also all kinds of website catering for blind dates. Young people are really into blind dates! It's not ridiculous at all.
HS: "Blind date" is a thing of the past, for example, during the generation of our parents, they didn't have the freedom to go dating, so they need to go on blind dates to find a partner. Nowadays, young people should look for their true love, how can they let other people interfere in this matter of lifelong happiness!
LL: Looks like you're the one who's behind time! Perhaps this proverb says it best: "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, so long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat!" No doubt it's good to have the freedom to go on dates, but that's not to say that you won't be able to find your true love from going on blind dates. Moreover, the lives of young people nowadays are so fast paced and intense, the pressure is so great, and social circles are just getting smaller. Coincidentally, going on blind dates is the best way to get to know new friends and to expand the scope of your contacts. What's more, going on blind dates doesn't necessarily mean it's about marriage. If it's suitable, then you can bring the relationship to the next level, if it's not, then just forget it. There's nothing to lose.
HS: Two strangers meeting up for the first time and they have to weigh whether they're suitable for each other. Do they discuss about love and perhaps even about getting married, that's so awkward!
LL: I really wonder if you're really living in this century! The young people today are more free-spirited than you can imagine. Forget it, no matter how I say, you won't understand. I'll introduce you a girl some other time so that you can experience for yourself what it's like to go on a blind date.