
    乐乐:汉生!我表姐总算要嫁出去啦!    汉生:瞧你说的,什么叫"总算"啊?你表姐嫁人有那么难么?    乐乐:我不是这个意思。只是我表姐今年整三十岁了,之前一直没找男朋友,把家里人都急坏了。    汉生:才三十岁着什么急啊!现在三十多岁的单身男女很多,很正常。    乐乐:父母可不这么想!而且女人不像男人,如果到了三十岁还没结婚,周围的人就都开始为你担心了。    汉生:说的也是,这也是现实。哎,你今年也有二十五了吧?    乐乐:没有!我有那么老么?我上个月刚满二十四!    汉生:不过就多说了一岁,犯得着生那么大气么!    乐乐:当然了!二十四岁和二十五岁在我看来就是天壤之别!二十四岁,你还能说自己二十出头,可过了二十五,我就是奔三的人了!    汉生:你们女孩子对年龄可真够敏感的,难怪人说,不要随便打听女孩子的年龄。     乐乐:其实,对我来说,更大的压力来自家里人。女孩子年龄一大,如果还没有男朋友,父母就会一天天地催,亲戚朋友也会不停地帮你介绍对象。我表姐之前就没少向我抱怨,说不愿意回家,一回家就得听爸妈唠叨。    汉生:可怜天下父母心啊。儿女的婚姻大事,永远都是他们最关心的事情。    乐乐:是啊,我表姐的父亲,也就是我舅舅,上个月已经满六十岁了,我舅妈也五十多了,再有几年也成了花甲老人了。自己的女儿还不结婚,能不着急么?    汉生:像他们这么大年纪的人,有的早就抱上孙子了吧。    乐乐:是啊。像我叔叔的女儿,二十四岁不到就做了妈妈了,现在儿子都两周岁了。我叔叔每次来我家串门,都会带着他的宝贝孙子,把我爸我妈羡慕得......    汉生:二十四,那不和你一般大么?你父母没催过你?    乐乐:以前是顾不上催我,都在替我表姐操心呢,现在我姐出嫁了,就该轮到我啦!唉,苦日子就要来啦......     LL: Han Sheng! My cousin sister is finally getting married!
HS: What kind of talk is this, what do you mean by "finally"? Is your cousin sister really such as difficult person?
LL: That's not what I meant. It's just that she's turning 30 this year, and prior to this, she didn't have any boyfriend, so everyone at home was really anxious.
HS: She's only 30, what's there to worry about! There are plenty of 30 year old male and female singletons out there, it's very normal.
LL: Parents don't think like that! Moreover, it's different for women, if we don't get married by 30, everyone will be worried about us.
HS: That's true, it's reality. Sigh, and you should be 25 this year?
LL: Of course not! Do I look that old? I just turned 24 last month!
HS: I'm just off by one year, is it worth your while to flare up like this!
LL: Of course! For me, there is a world of difference between 24 and 25! Being 24, I can still say that I'm in my 20's, but after 25, I'll be heading towards 30s!
HS: You girls are overly sensitive about your age, No wonder people say, don't casually inquire a girl's age.
LL: Actually, my pressure comes from family. As a girl gets older, and still doesn't have a boyfriend, parents will be pestering non-stop, friends and relatives will keep a lookout for someone suitable. My cousin sister used to complain to me that she doesn't want to go home, coz they'll be nagging her.
HS: I really take pity on parents the world over. Seeing their children get married will always be their top concern.
LL: Yea, my cousin sister's parents, i.e my (maternal) uncle, turned 60 last month, and my aunt is in her 50s, she'll turn 60 in a few years time. Yet their daughter is still single, how can they not be worried?
HS: Some of the elderly people their age already have grandchildren.
LL: Yea, like my uncle's (father's younger brother) daughter, she became a mother before she turned 24, her child is already 2 years old. Whenever my uncle drops by for a visit, he'll bring his darlinggrandson along, my parents are really envious....
HS: 24, so she's the same age as you? Have your parents pressured you?
LL: Last time they were too busy to bother as they were worried about my cousin sister, but now that she's getting married, it'll be my turn soon! Sigh, the bitter days are coming .....

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Three decades ago, the average age at (first) marriage of the Chinese is approximately 23 or 24 years old, and now, three decades on, how has this average changed, and ultimately when is it not considered late? Lesson Content: LL: Han Sheng! My cousin sister is finally getting married!
HS: What kind of talk is this, what do you mean by "finally"? Is your cousin sister really such as difficult person?
LL: That's not what I meant. It's just that she's turning 30 this year, and prior to this, she didn't have any boyfriend, so everyone at home was really anxious.
HS: She's only 30, what's there to worry about! There are plenty of 30 year old male and female singletons out there, it's very normal.
LL: Parents don't think like that! Moreover, it's different for women, if we don't get married by 30, everyone will be worried about us.
HS: That's true, it's reality. Sigh, and you should be 25 this year?
LL: Of course not! Do I look that old? I just turned 24 last month!
HS: I'm just off by one year, is it worth your while to flare up like this!
LL: Of course! For me, there is a world of difference between 24 and 25! Being 24, I can still say that I'm in my 20's, but after 25, I'll be heading towards 30s!
HS: You girls are overly sensitive about your age, No wonder people say, don't casually inquire a girl's age.
LL: Actually, my pressure comes from family. As a girl gets older, and still doesn't have a boyfriend, parents will be pestering non-stop, friends and relatives will keep a lookout for someone suitable. My cousin sister used to complain to me that she doesn't want to go home, coz they'll be nagging her.
HS: I really take pity on parents the world over. Seeing their children get married will always be their top concern.
LL: Yea, my cousin sister's parents, i.e my (maternal) uncle, turned 60 last month, and my aunt is in her 50s, she'll turn 60 in a few years time. Yet their daughter is still single, how can they not be worried?
HS: Some of the elderly people their age already have grandchildren.
LL: Yea, like my uncle's (father's younger brother) daughter, she became a mother before she turned 24, her child is already 2 years old. Whenever my uncle drops by for a visit, he'll bring his darlinggrandson along, my parents are really envious....
HS: 24, so she's the same age as you? Have your parents pressured you?
LL: Last time they were too busy to bother as they were worried about my cousin sister, but now that she's getting married, it'll be my turn soon! Sigh, the bitter days are coming .....