
    心涛:洋洋,这是你的全家福吗?    洋洋:是啊,这是春节拍的全家福。    心涛:这两位是你父母吧。    洋洋:嗯,是的。看,我左边的是我大哥,我右边的是我二哥。    心涛:你和你大哥长得像你爸爸,你二哥长得像你妈妈。     XT: Yangyang, is this your family photo?
YY: Yes, this family photo was taken during Chinese New Year.
XT: And this couple here must be your parents, right?
YY: Yep, that's right. Look, on my left is my eldest brother and on my right is my second brother.
XT: You and your eldest brother look like your father. Your second brother looks like your mom.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
When everyone in the family takes a photo together, it is called 全家福 (quán jiā fú) in Chinese. Lesson Content: XT: Yangyang, is this your family photo?
YY: Yes, this family photo was taken during Chinese New Year.
XT: And this couple here must be your parents, right?
YY: Yep, that's right. Look, on my left is my eldest brother and on my right is my second brother.
XT: You and your eldest brother look like your father. Your second brother looks like your mom.