心涛:洋洋,周末是我奶奶八十岁生日。我要去向奶奶祝寿。 洋洋:这可是件大喜事。你大伯和叔叔也去吗? 心涛:当然了。我大伯、大伯母、叔叔、婶婶、哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹都去。 洋洋:你奶奶现在儿孙满堂了,一定特别开心。 心涛:是呀,奶奶每次看到我们都特别开心。 XT: Yang yang, my
grandma will be turning 80 this weekend. I'll be celebrating her birthday with her.
YY: Wow, that's gonna be a grand birthday bash. Will your uncles [i.e. father's
eldest brother and younger brother] be present?
XT: Of course. My uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters will all be present.
[lit. XT: Of course. My
eldest uncle and his wife, younger uncle and his wife, older brother, older sister, younger brother, younger sister will all be present.]
YY: Your
grandma has so many children and granchildren, I'm sure she's very happy.
XT: Yep, grandma's very happy every time she sees us.
-- atchooo@
Lesson Summary:
Xin Tao's family will be having a big party this weekend. Let's find out who his family members are. Lesson Content: XT: Yang yang, my
grandma will be turning 80 this weekend. I'll be celebrating her birthday with her.
YY: Wow, that's gonna be a grand birthday bash. Will your uncles [i.e. father's
eldest brother and younger brother] be present?
XT: Of course. My uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters will all be present.
[lit. XT: Of course. My
eldest uncle and his wife, younger uncle and his wife, older brother, older sister, younger brother, younger sister will all be present.]
YY: Your
grandma has so many children and granchildren, I'm sure she's very happy.
XT: Yep, grandma's very happy every time she sees us.