
    现诚征一男性伴侣,要求:    身高:172-182厘米    体重:65-85公斤    性格温和、不抽烟、不喝酒、不爱泡吧、本科以上学历、月薪在3000-10000之间、会做饭、有耐心、有孝心、有爱心、有上进心、举止斯文、不说脏话、谦虚、稳重、专一。    符合全部条件者请报名。     A male partner wanted.
Requirement: Height:172-182cm Weight: 65-85Kg
Moderater personality. No smoking, no drinking and no bar hopping.
Bachelor degree or above. Monthly salary beteween 3 thousand to 10 thousand.
Be able to cook. You must be patient, dutiful, loving and caring, enterprenant, gentle, polite, modest, mature and single-minded.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
If you are unmarried man, don't miss our lesson today. Lesson Content: A male partner wanted.
Requirement: Height:172-182cm Weight: 65-85Kg
Moderater personality. No smoking, no drinking and no bar hopping.
Bachelor degree or above. Monthly salary beteween 3 thousand to 10 thousand.
Be able to cook. You must be patient, dutiful, loving and caring, enterprenant, gentle, polite, modest, mature and single-minded.