
    心涛: 你好,我想买两张下个月十五号北京飞往纽约的机票。    售票员:请问是单程票还是往返票?    心涛:单程票。    售票员:请问您想选哪个时段的航班,上午的还是下午的?    心涛: 下午的比较好。    售票员:那么经济舱还是商务舱呢?    心涛:经济舱。    售票员:您对航空公司有要求吗?    心涛:最好是国航的,我对国航比较有好感。    售票员:您想要两张十五号下午从北京飞纽约的国航经济舱的单程票。    心涛:对。    售票员:现在还有六折的票,一旦出票就不能退票。    心涛:没问题。    售票员:那现在出票吗?    心涛:您帮我出票吧。    售票员:两张十五号下午北京飞往纽约的国航经济舱单程票,六折后含税一共是一万一千五百元。    心涛:没问题,我刷卡。     Xin Tao: Good day, I would like to buy two air tickets for the 15 of next month from Beijing to New York.
Ticket seller: One-way or return tickets?
X: One-way.
T: Which flight do you want: morning or afternoon?
X: Afternoon.
T: In that case, economy or business class?
X: Economy class.
T: Which airline company do you want?
X: China Airline is best, I've got a good opinion of it.
T: You want two tickets,one-way economy class, to fly on China Airline from Beijing to New York on the 15 in the afternoon.
X: Right.
T: There's also a 40% discount now. These are non-refundable tickets that are issued for a very short time.
X: No problem.
T: In that case, you want them now?
X: Yes, I'll take them.
T: Two one-way economy class tickets to fly from Beijing to New York on China Airline on the 15 in the afternoon. 40% discount, including tax, it's 11 500 yuan in all.
X: No problem, here's my credit card.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Today we'll learn how to buy air tickets in Chinese. Everybody please pay attention to the vocabulary and expressions about buying air tickets. Lesson Content: Xin Tao: Good day, I would like to buy two air tickets for the 15 of next month from Beijing to New York.
Ticket seller: One-way or return tickets?
X: One-way.
T: Which flight do you want: morning or afternoon?
X: Afternoon.
T: In that case, economy or business class?
X: Economy class.
T: Which airline company do you want?
X: China Airline is best, I've got a good opinion of it.
T: You want two tickets,one-way economy class, to fly on China Airline from Beijing to New York on the 15 in the afternoon.
X: Right.
T: There's also a 40% discount now. These are non-refundable tickets that are issued for a very short time.
X: No problem.
T: In that case, you want them now?
X: Yes, I'll take them.
T: Two one-way economy class tickets to fly from Beijing to New York on China Airline on the 15 in the afternoon. 40% discount, including tax, it's 11 500 yuan in all.
X: No problem, here's my credit card.