
    心涛:哟,玛丽,怎么自己在这儿偷着乐?    玛丽:我是人逢喜事精神爽,我父母还有我未婚夫下星期就要来中国了。    心涛:真的吗?怪不得你乐得嘴都合不拢了,你有一年多没见到他们了吧?    玛丽:是啊,借用中国的一句诗,每逢佳节倍思亲,马上就是春节了,看着朋友们都忙着准备回家过年,我真是羡慕嫉妒恨呀。    心涛:呵呵,这是人之常情嘛,人在外面的时间久了,都会想念亲人。    玛丽:前些天我把咱们新年拍的照片email给我的家人了,他们也都很喜欢中国,但是一直没有机会来中国。    心涛:你早就该带他们来看一看了。    玛丽:听说中国马上要过春节了,他们都很感兴趣,说是也来好好过个中国年。    心涛:那你要好好准备一下了,家里人难得来一趟。    玛丽:不过要让他们过个正宗的中国年对于我这个来中国不久的外国人来说并非易事。    心涛:这还不简单啊,找人帮忙就好了。    玛丽:大家都那么忙,我该找谁呢?    心涛:那个人呀,远在天边,近在眼前。    玛丽:你不愧是我的好哥们儿,那就拜托了。    心涛:举手之劳嘛,更何况咱们是这么好的朋友,你就别跟我来这些客套了。    玛丽:之前听你说春节是中国最隆重的传统佳节,你先给我说说春节,我先了解了解。    心涛:中国农历年的新年称为春节,俗称过年,中国人过春节已经有4000多年的历史了。    玛丽:没想到春节的历史这么悠久。    心涛:年前,大致从腊月二十三开始,人们就开始忙前忙后,扫房屋、洗头沐浴、置办年货等等,为迎接春节,人们还会换新衣,这些都是为了迎接新的一年的到来,叫做辞旧迎新。    玛丽:看来过春节是很有讲究的。    心涛:还不止这些,春节前家家户户都会贴年画、贴春联,张灯结彩,营造浓浓的喜庆的气氛。    玛丽:春节期间都会有哪些庆祝活动呢?    心涛:过春节,人们全家团圆,吃年糕、水饺以及各种丰盛的饭菜,燃放鞭炮,互相祝福。活动也是丰富多彩,有舞狮、耍龙的,也有踩高跷、跑旱船的。在有些地区人们沿袭过去祭祖敬神活动,祈求新的一年风调雨顺,平安、丰收。    玛丽:虽然很多活动我都没有见过,不过听上去很有意思。    心涛:春节期间要数除夕、大年初一还有正月十五最为热闹了。还有最重要的春节的很多习俗,我还都没有跟你说,比如守岁、给压岁钱等等,太多了,找个时间再跟你细说。    玛丽:看来要过一个真正的中国年太不容易了。    心涛:有我帮你一定让你和家人过一个难忘的中国年。    玛丽:那咱们准备过春节第一步要先干什么?    心涛:咱们就先从办年货开始吧。     XT: Yo! Mary, why are you here secretly laughing all by yourself?
Mary: It's said, "Happy events make a man feel spirited." Next week, my parents and my fiance are coming to China.
XT: Really? No wonder you're grinning from ear to ear. [I think] you haven't seen them for a year?
Mary: Yep, to borrow a line of verse from Chinese poetry, "Each time a festive day draws near, I miss my family all the more." Soon, it'll be the Spring Festival; seeing all our friends busy making preparations to return home for the celebration makes me green with envy.
XT: Hehe, this is a common occurrence in human relationships, when one has been away for a long time, they will pine for their family members.
Mary: A few days back, I emailed some photos taken during the New Year to my family members. They like China a lot too, but so far they haven't had the opportunity to come over here.
XT: You should have asked them to come over and shown them around long ago.
Mary: When they heard that people will be celebrating the Spring Festival in China soon, they were really interested. They said that they want to truly experience the Chinese New Year celebrations.
XT: Then you should seriously make some preparations, it's not everyday that your family members can make a trip here.
Mary: But as a foreigner who has only been in China for a short time, it's no easy task to entertain them to an authentic Chinese New Year.
XT: Shouldn't that be easy, just look for someone to help you and everything will be just fine.
Mary: Everybody's so busy, who should I look to [for help?]
XT: That person that you're looking all over for is just right before you.
Mary: You're a real buddy, I'm counting on you!
[You're worth your weight in gold, buddy, I'm counting on you!]
XT: Piece of cake, need I mention that we're good buddies? Please do away with the social courtesies.
Mary: I've heard before that among all the traditional festivals, Spring Festival celebrations are the most grand. Why don't you tell me more about the festival, let me first have a [general] understanding of it.
XT: The Spring Festival marks the beginning of a new year, it is based on China's lunar calendar and is commonly referred to as New Year's celebration. The history of Chinese people celebrating the Spring Festival dates back some 4,000 years.
Mary: I never imagined that the history of the Spring Festival goes back such a long way.
XT: Before the New Year, roughly from the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month onwards, people will start to get more and more busy: spring cleaning, shampooing and bathing, shopping for New Year goodies, and what not. To usher in the Spring Festival, people also buy new clothes. All these are done just to ring in the new year, it's called, "dispensing with the old and ushering in the new."
Mary: Looks like there are a lot of nitty-gritty to this celebration.
XT: There's more, before the Spring Festival, each and every household will put up Spring Festival pictures, New Year scrolls (aka Spring Festival couplets), New Year decorations (lit. lanterns and colorful banners), creating a heavily festive atmosphere.
Mary: What kinds of festivities are held in conjunction with the Spring Festival?
XT: In celebrating the New Year, everyone in the whole family will have a reunion, feast away at nian gao (lit. New Year cake), boiled jiaozi, and all kinds of sumptuous New Year delights; set off firecrackers; exchange blessings. There are also a rich variety of activities, such as staging of the lion and dragon dances, and there are also performances like walking on stilts, and the land-boat dance. In some districts, people [still] follow the age-old customs of worshiping ancestors and spirits, praying for favorable weather (esp. in relation to crops), safety and a bumper harvest for the coming year.
Mary: Although I haven't seen many of these activities, but they really sound interesting.
XT: During the Spring Festival, the New Year's eve, and also the first and fifteenth days of the first lunar month are the days that really bustle with festivity. And I haven't even filled you in on the more important social customs accompanying the Spring Festival, such as seeing in the New Year (aka countdown on New Year's eve), distributing red packets and such. There are just so many of them, I'll tell you in detail another time.
Mary: Looks like it's not easy to fully experience an authentic New Year celebration.
XT: With my help, you will surely experience a memorable New Year celebration with your family.
Mary: So for starters, how do we go about in our preparations for the New Year celebrations?
XT: Let's start with shopping for New Year goodies.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Recently, we just ushered in the Chinese New Year with much festivity. From this week onwards, we will broadcast a series of podcast covering the folk customs and traditions observed during the Chinese New Year. Lesson Content: XT: Yo! Mary, why are you here secretly laughing all by yourself?
Mary: It's said, "Happy events make a man feel spirited." Next week, my parents and my fiance are coming to China.
XT: Really? No wonder you're grinning from ear to ear. [I think] you haven't seen them for a year?
Mary: Yep, to borrow a line of verse from Chinese poetry, "Each time a festive day draws near, I miss my family all the more." Soon, it'll be the Spring Festival; seeing all our friends busy making preparations to return home for the celebration makes me green with envy.
XT: Hehe, this is a common occurrence in human relationships, when one has been away for a long time, they will pine for their family members.
Mary: A few days back, I emailed some photos taken during the New Year to my family members. They like China a lot too, but so far they haven't had the opportunity to come over here.
XT: You should have asked them to come over and shown them around long ago.
Mary: When they heard that people will be celebrating the Spring Festival in China soon, they were really interested. They said that they want to truly experience the Chinese New Year celebrations.
XT: Then you should seriously make some preparations, it's not everyday that your family members can make a trip here.
Mary: But as a foreigner who has only been in China for a short time, it's no easy task to entertain them to an authentic Chinese New Year.
XT: Shouldn't that be easy, just look for someone to help you and everything will be just fine.
Mary: Everybody's so busy, who should I look to [for help?]
XT: That person that you're looking all over for is just right before you.
Mary: You're a real buddy, I'm counting on you!
[You're worth your weight in gold, buddy, I'm counting on you!]
XT: Piece of cake, need I mention that we're good buddies? Please do away with the social courtesies.
Mary: I've heard before that among all the traditional festivals, Spring Festival celebrations are the most grand. Why don't you tell me more about the festival, let me first have a [general] understanding of it.
XT: The Spring Festival marks the beginning of a new year, it is based on China's lunar calendar and is commonly referred to as New Year's celebration. The history of Chinese people celebrating the Spring Festival dates back some 4,000 years.
Mary: I never imagined that the history of the Spring Festival goes back such a long way.
XT: Before the New Year, roughly from the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month onwards, people will start to get more and more busy: spring cleaning, shampooing and bathing, shopping for New Year goodies, and what not. To usher in the Spring Festival, people also buy new clothes. All these are done just to ring in the new year, it's called, "dispensing with the old and ushering in the new."
Mary: Looks like there are a lot of nitty-gritty to this celebration.
XT: There's more, before the Spring Festival, each and every household will put up Spring Festival pictures, New Year scrolls (aka Spring Festival couplets), New Year decorations (lit. lanterns and colorful banners), creating a heavily festive atmosphere.
Mary: What kinds of festivities are held in conjunction with the Spring Festival?
XT: In celebrating the New Year, everyone in the whole family will have a reunion, feast away at nian gao (lit. New Year cake), boiled jiaozi, and all kinds of sumptuous New Year delights; set off firecrackers; exchange blessings. There are also a rich variety of activities, such as staging of the lion and dragon dances, and there are also performances like walking on stilts, and the land-boat dance. In some districts, people [still] follow the age-old customs of worshiping ancestors and spirits, praying for favorable weather (esp. in relation to crops), safety and a bumper harvest for the coming year.
Mary: Although I haven't seen many of these activities, but they really sound interesting.
XT: During the Spring Festival, the New Year's eve, and also the first and fifteenth days of the first lunar month are the days that really bustle with festivity. And I haven't even filled you in on the more important social customs accompanying the Spring Festival, such as seeing in the New Year (aka countdown on New Year's eve), distributing red packets and such. There are just so many of them, I'll tell you in detail another time.
Mary: Looks like it's not easy to fully experience an authentic New Year celebration.
XT: With my help, you will surely experience a memorable New Year celebration with your family.
Mary: So for starters, how do we go about in our preparations for the New Year celebrations?
XT: Let's start with shopping for New Year goodies.