
    长城是中国的历史遗迹,也是中华文明的象征之一,现为世界七大奇迹之一。一提起长城,中国人都感到无比自豪。    长城位于中国的北部,它东起河北省山海关,西至甘肃省的嘉峪关,中间穿过河北、北京、内蒙古、山西、陕西、宁夏、甘肃等七个省、市、自治区,全长约13300里,所以又被称作"万里长城"。长城就像一条巨龙一样,翻越巍巍群山,穿过茫茫草原,跨过浩瀚的沙漠,一直奔向苍茫的大海。古今中外,凡是到过长城的人,都被它的磅礴气势和宏伟规模所震撼。    长城主要的修建时期都在中国古代,当时没有现代的先进的机械设备,所有工程都是靠着古代劳动人民的双手完成的,而由于修建条件十分艰苦、工程异常浩大,因此许多人在修筑长城的过程中纷纷死亡。民间流传的一个最有名的故事就是"孟姜女哭倒长城"的故事。    传说,古代有一个孟老汉和一个姜老汉,他们是邻居,他们在院子里共同种了一棵葫芦。后来葫芦秧结了一个大葫芦,两位老汉用刀把葫芦切开以后,发现里边躺着一个又白又胖的女娃娃,于是二老就给这个娃娃取名为"孟姜女",并一起抚养她成人。等孟姜女长大以后,两位老人为她选择了夫婿准备成婚。但是天有不测风云,谁知在结婚当天,孟姜女的丈夫就被皇帝派来的人抓去修长城了。一年过去以后,孟姜女的丈夫仍然杳无音信。    这段时间里,孟姜女茶不思、饭不想,最后决定去找丈夫。她带上吃的和给丈夫的衣服上了路。经过千难万险,孟姜女终于来到了长城的脚下。但是经过打听,孟姜女发现自己的丈夫已经在修建长城的过程中被累死了。于是她悲痛欲绝,泪如泉涌,哭得惊天动地。她哭到哪里,哪里的长城就发生倒塌,最后足有八百里长的长城倒塌。    后来人们为了纪念孟姜女千里寻夫的凄凉和毅力,就在山海关城东约6公里的凤凰山上修建了一座"孟姜女庙"。     The Great Wall is a historicalmonument of China. Currently one of the seven wonders of the world, it is also one of the symbols of Chinese civilization. Mention the Great Wall, and you'll draw an unparalleled sense of pride from the Chinese people.

The Great Wall is located in the northern region of China, it starts out from the Shanhai Pass in Hebei Province in the east, and ends in Jiayuguan in Gansu Province in the west. In between, it passes through Hebei Province, Beijing City, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Shanxi Province, Shaanxi Province, the Ningxia autonomous region, altogether spanning approximately 13,300 li. The Great Wall looks like a gigantic dragon, climbing over lofty mountains, traversing never-ending expands of grasslands, crossing over immense deserts, dashing all the way towards the distant horizons of the great ocean. All through the ages, regardless of where they are from, the air of majesty and grandeursurrounding the Great Wall never fail to strike awe in the hearts of the people who have been there.

Since the construction took place primarily in ancient China during a time when machines and technological advances of our modern era did not exist, construction depended on the labor of the masses. The conditions surrounding its construction was extremelyarduous and with this project being exceptionally colossal, people died by the droves in the process of building the Great Wall. Among the most popular of folktales in circulation is the story of "Lady Mengjiang whose weeping caused parts of the Great Wall to collapse."

In ancient China, it is said, lived old man Meng and old man Jiang who were neighbors. Together, they planted a bottle gourd tree in the courtyard. After a while, the tree sprouted a huge bottle gourd. Both of them cut it open with a knife and found a fair and plump little baby girl lying inside it; they named her Lady Mengjiang, and together, they raised her. When Lady Mengjiang came of age, these two elderly men chose her a husband to marry her off. But as the saying goes, fate and fortune is as unpredictable as weather; who would have thought that on their wedding day, the Emperor would send his men to take Lady Mengjiang's husband by force to build the Great Wall. A year went by and Lady Mengjiang still did not receive any news from her husband.

All this time, Lady Mengjiang cared neither for food nor drink. Finally, she resolved to go look for her husband. Bringing along some food and clothing for her husband, she embarked on her journey. After undergoing untold hardships, Lady Mengjiang finally arrived at the foot of the Great Wall. After asking around, Lady Mengjiang discovered that her husband had already died of exhaustion in the process of building the Great Wall. She was filled with inconsolable grief and her tears gushed forth like a bubbling spring. She cried so hard that it moved the heavens and shook the earth. Wherever she cried, a stretch of the Great Wall would collapse. In the end, a total of eight hundred li of the Great Wall collapsed.

Afterwards, in order to mark Lady Mengjiang's forlornness and perseverance, people built a "Temple of Lady Mengjiang" on Fenghuang [Phoenix] Mountain, approximately 6km east of the eastern city of Shanhai Pass.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Today, we're going to tell you a story about the Great Wall. From this story, you will come to know how heavy a price the people paid in building the Great Wall a few thousand years ago. Lesson Content: The Great Wall is a historicalmonument of China. Currently one of the seven wonders of the world, it is also one of the symbols of Chinese civilization. Mention the Great Wall, and you'll draw an unparalleled sense of pride from the Chinese people.

The Great Wall is located in the northern region of China, it starts out from the Shanhai Pass in Hebei Province in the east, and ends in Jiayuguan in Gansu Province in the west. In between, it passes through Hebei Province, Beijing City, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Shanxi Province, Shaanxi Province, the Ningxia autonomous region, altogether spanning approximately 13,300 li. The Great Wall looks like a gigantic dragon, climbing over lofty mountains, traversing never-ending expands of grasslands, crossing over immense deserts, dashing all the way towards the distant horizons of the great ocean. All through the ages, regardless of where they are from, the air of majesty and grandeursurrounding the Great Wall never fail to strike awe in the hearts of the people who have been there.

Since the construction took place primarily in ancient China during a time when machines and technological advances of our modern era did not exist, construction depended on the labor of the masses. The conditions surrounding its construction was extremelyarduous and with this project being exceptionally colossal, people died by the droves in the process of building the Great Wall. Among the most popular of folktales in circulation is the story of "Lady Mengjiang whose weeping caused parts of the Great Wall to collapse."

In ancient China, it is said, lived old man Meng and old man Jiang who were neighbors. Together, they planted a bottle gourd tree in the courtyard. After a while, the tree sprouted a huge bottle gourd. Both of them cut it open with a knife and found a fair and plump little baby girl lying inside it; they named her Lady Mengjiang, and together, they raised her. When Lady Mengjiang came of age, these two elderly men chose her a husband to marry her off. But as the saying goes, fate and fortune is as unpredictable as weather; who would have thought that on their wedding day, the Emperor would send his men to take Lady Mengjiang's husband by force to build the Great Wall. A year went by and Lady Mengjiang still did not receive any news from her husband.

All this time, Lady Mengjiang cared neither for food nor drink. Finally, she resolved to go look for her husband. Bringing along some food and clothing for her husband, she embarked on her journey. After undergoing untold hardships, Lady Mengjiang finally arrived at the foot of the Great Wall. After asking around, Lady Mengjiang discovered that her husband had already died of exhaustion in the process of building the Great Wall. She was filled with inconsolable grief and her tears gushed forth like a bubbling spring. She cried so hard that it moved the heavens and shook the earth. Wherever she cried, a stretch of the Great Wall would collapse. In the end, a total of eight hundred li of the Great Wall collapsed.

Afterwards, in order to mark Lady Mengjiang's forlornness and perseverance, people built a "Temple of Lady Mengjiang" on Fenghuang [Phoenix] Mountain, approximately 6km east of the eastern city of Shanhai Pass.