A:心涛,这边!(洋洋向心涛挥手) B:洋洋,好久不见。真麻烦你这么晚还来接我! A:一点都不麻烦,我高兴还来不及呢!正如孔子所言"有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?"。 B:孔子!我就是专程来学习孔家文化的。快告诉我,他还说了哪些经典名言。 A:孔子还说"欲速则不达"。 B:这是什么意思呢? A:这句话是要告诉我们做事不能急于求成,过于性急反而不能达到目的。学习孔子文化,要慢慢积累,一步步学习,才能学有所成。 B:哦,我懂了。这句话是教育我们,做事没有捷径,要脚踏实地,一点点进步,一点点积累。 A:对,就是这个意思。中国还有句俗语和这句意思差不多,叫"心急吃不了热豆腐"!你如果想学习孔子的经典名言,我建议你去买本《论语》,一边在曲阜旅游一边学习。 B:好主意,我明天就去书店买。这儿是孔子的故乡,也是《论语》的故乡吗? A:这个我还真不确定,我觉得应该是。 B:这就是《论语》里所说的"知之为知之,不知为不知"吧? A:不错不错,看样子,你对《论语》有点研究啊。 B:哈哈,我这是班门弄斧。 A:明天我们参观的时候,问问导游,他们或许知道。 B:好的。晚上我们好好休息,养足精神,明天就去一探究竟。 A: Xin Tao, over here! (Yang Yang waving at Xin Tao)
B: Yang Yang, it has been a long time since I last saw you. It's so late, I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you to come and pick me up.
A: It's not troublesome at all, I am more than happy!This is
precisely what Confucius meant when he said, "Isn't it
delightful to have friends coming for a visit from
far-reaching places?
B: Confucius! I made this special trip to learn more about Confucian culture. Come on, tell me other
classic sayings of his.
A: Confucius also said, "More haste, less speed."
B: What does that mean?
A: This
phrase is telling us that when we're doing something, we shouldn't be
anxious for immediate results. Contrary to one's expectations, one might not
achieve one's aim by being too impatient. If you want to learn the Confucian culture, you should
accumulate it gradually, learn it step by step. Only then can one be regarded to have
learned something.
B: Ah, I understand now. This
saying teaches us that there is no shortcut in
whatever we do. We have to be down-to-earth, progress bit by bit, and
accumulate knowledge bit by bit.
A: Yep, this is exactly what it means. There is another Chinese
saying that is similar with it in meaning, "haste brings no success!" If you want to learn more of Confucius'
classic sayings, I suggest you buy a copy of "The Analects of Confucius." You can read it while touring around Qufu.
B: That's a good idea, I'll get a copy from the bookstore tomorrow. This is Confucuis' hometown, is it also the hometown of the "The Analects"?
A: This... I'm not sure. It should be, I think.
B: In the "Analects" it says, "Acknowledge you know something only if you know it. If you don't, then admit that you don't know." I suppose this is what it means.
A: Not bad, that's not bad at all. From the looks of this, you've already looked into "The Analects" a little, huh?
B: Ha-ha, I'm teaching a fish how to swim.
A: When we're touring around tomorrow, you can ask the tour guides, perhaps they will know.
B: Ok, we'll have a good rest tonight and gather up sufficient vitality. We'll find out the answer of this tomorrow.
-- Jewel@
Lesson Summary:
The Analects of Confucius is full of
wisdom of life. It guides the Chinese people in every
aspect of their daily lives. Look, Xin Tao has made a special trip to Confucius' hometown to seek the Chinese
wisdom of life. Lesson Content: A: Xin Tao, over here! (Yang Yang waving at Xin Tao)
B: Yang Yang, it has been a long time since I last saw you. It's so late, I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you to come and pick me up.
A: It's not troublesome at all, I am more than happy!This is
precisely what Confucius meant when he said, "Isn't it
delightful to have friends coming for a visit from
far-reaching places?
B: Confucius! I made this special trip to learn more about Confucian culture. Come on, tell me other
classic sayings of his.
A: Confucius also said, "More haste, less speed."
B: What does that mean?
A: This
phrase is telling us that when we're doing something, we shouldn't be
anxious for immediate results. Contrary to one's expectations, one might not
achieve one's aim by being too impatient. If you want to learn the Confucian culture, you should
accumulate it gradually, learn it step by step. Only then can one be regarded to have
learned something.
B: Ah, I understand now. This
saying teaches us that there is no shortcut in
whatever we do. We have to be down-to-earth, progress bit by bit, and
accumulate knowledge bit by bit.
A: Yep, this is exactly what it means. There is another Chinese
saying that is similar with it in meaning, "haste brings no success!" If you want to learn more of Confucius'
classic sayings, I suggest you buy a copy of "The Analects of Confucius." You can read it while touring around Qufu.
B: That's a good idea, I'll get a copy from the bookstore tomorrow. This is Confucuis' hometown, is it also the hometown of the "The Analects"?
A: This... I'm not sure. It should be, I think.
B: In the "Analects" it says, "Acknowledge you know something only if you know it. If you don't, then admit that you don't know." I suppose this is what it means.
A: Not bad, that's not bad at all. From the looks of this, you've already looked into "The Analects" a little, huh?
B: Ha-ha, I'm teaching a fish how to swim.
A: When we're touring around tomorrow, you can ask the tour guides, perhaps they will know.
B: Ok, we'll have a good rest tonight and gather up sufficient vitality. We'll find out the answer of this tomorrow.