
    洋洋:外面鞭炮齐鸣,好热闹啊!今天是什么节日吗?     心涛:应该是有人结婚,请了舞狮队在表演呢!    洋洋:原来是这样。这样的婚礼场面很盛大啊!    心涛:对啊。结婚是人生中的一件大事儿嘛!中国的传统是要在结婚那天放很多鞭炮,并请舞狮或者舞龙队表演,以祈求吉利和好运。    洋洋:放鞭炮我经常见,不过舞狮、舞龙表演我倒是没有亲眼见过。    心涛:这是中国民间的一种传统艺术形式。人们经常会在喜庆的日子里用舞龙来祈求风调雨顺、五谷丰登,或者其它美好的祝愿,并且它已经成为了一种极具观赏性的竞赛运动。同样地,舞狮也寄寓了人们祈求吉利、多福之情。    洋洋:没想到这小小的表演竟然有这么深厚的文化底蕴呢!    心涛:是啊。每逢春节或其它一些庆典活动,人们都会在阵阵锣鼓和鞭炮声中,观赏舞龙和舞狮表演,一则为了愉悦心情,二则祈求吉利。舞龙、舞狮自问世以来,一直深受各族人民的喜爱,历代相传,并由此形成了灿烂的龙狮文化呢。    洋洋:那我们赶紧出去看看去吧!    心涛:好的。 YY: There is loud voice of firecrackers outside, it's so bustling. What festival is today?
XT: There must be someone who gets married today and who invite the lion teams for lion dance show.
YY: I got it. What a grand ceremony for wedding!
XT: Yes, wedding is one of the most important things during a person's life. We should light up a lot of firecrackers and invite dragon or lion teams for a show, according to Chinese tradition, to pray for good luck.
YY: I always see firecrackers, but I have never seen dragon dance and lion dance in person.
XT: It's a kind of Chinese traditional folk art. People often do the dragon dance to pray for good weather condition, a golden harvest and other best wishes. As time flies, the dragon dance has become a competition as well as a visual feast. What's more, the dragon dance also represents the best wishes of people.
YY: I didn't realize such a small dance contains a profound culture.
XT: Yes, it does. People will appreciate the dragon dance and lion dance, mixed with the sound of gong drums and firecrackers, when the Spring Festival comes or other ceremonies take place for entertainment and best wishes. The dragon dance and lion dance, welcomed by people of all nationalities, create their own dragon and lion culture.
YY: Let's go outside and watch it!

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Have you ever seen dragon dance and lion dance before? You can see this very typical Chinese activity when you spend your Chinese New Year in Chinatown. Lesson Content: YY: There is loud voice of firecrackers outside, it's so bustling. What festival is today?
XT: There must be someone who gets married today and who invite the lion teams for lion dance show.
YY: I got it. What a grand ceremony for wedding!
XT: Yes, wedding is one of the most important things during a person's life. We should light up a lot of firecrackers and invite dragon or lion teams for a show, according to Chinese tradition, to pray for good luck.
YY: I always see firecrackers, but I have never seen dragon dance and lion dance in person.
XT: It's a kind of Chinese traditional folk art. People often do the dragon dance to pray for good weather condition, a golden harvest and other best wishes. As time flies, the dragon dance has become a competition as well as a visual feast. What's more, the dragon dance also represents the best wishes of people.
YY: I didn't realize such a small dance contains a profound culture.
XT: Yes, it does. People will appreciate the dragon dance and lion dance, mixed with the sound of gong drums and firecrackers, when the Spring Festival comes or other ceremonies take place for entertainment and best wishes. The dragon dance and lion dance, welcomed by people of all nationalities, create their own dragon and lion culture.
YY: Let's go outside and watch it!