
    (The latest version, currently un-match with the audio content and we will modify ASAP)    A(男):洋洋,这大清早的,你怎么没精打采的?    B(女):甭提了,最近连续几天都加班到很晚,睡眠严重不足呀。就是铁人也承受不了这么高强度的工作。    A(男):哎,谁让你遇上了周扒皮的老板呢?那我请你喝咖啡好了,帮你提提神!    B(女):好呀,我这几天就靠咖啡顶着呢。看,那罐速溶咖啡,都快被我喝光了。    A(男):我请你喝现磨的咖啡,那个比速溶咖啡更提神。    B(女):我比较土,只喝过速溶的咖啡。    A(男):别说得这么可怜,走,我带你去见见世面。            The audio content(old version)    A(男):洋洋,这大清早的,你的精神可不太好啊?    B(女):嗯,昨晚加班到很晚,睡眠不足呀。    A(男):今天还有很多工作要做呢。我帮你冲杯咖啡,提提神。    B(女):哦?真没看出来你还会煮咖啡呢。    A(男):那是煮咖啡我是很拿手的。一点儿不吹牛。    B(女):看样子我今天可有口福了。     A (Man): Yangyang, how come you're not in good spirits this morning?
B (Woman): H'm, last night I worked overtime till very late. I didn't get enough sleep.
A: And today you still have a lot of work to do. I'll help you prepare a cup of coffee. It'll give you a lift.
B: Oh? I really can't make out that you can still boil coffee.
A: I'm very good at preparing coffee. I'm not bragging at all.
B: It seems it's my gourmet's luck today.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Compared with tea, coffee has a unique fragrance. It fascinates people. But sometimes this fragrance not only makes us want a cup of coffee, it also gives us a lift. Lesson Content: A (Man): Yangyang, how come you're not in good spirits this morning?
B (Woman): H'm, last night I worked overtime till very late. I didn't get enough sleep.
A: And today you still have a lot of work to do. I'll help you prepare a cup of coffee. It'll give you a lift.
B: Oh? I really can't make out that you can still boil coffee.
A: I'm very good at preparing coffee. I'm not bragging at all.
B: It seems it's my gourmet's luck today.