心涛:洋洋,你在干什么呢? 洋洋:没干什么,在家呆着呢。 心涛:我们三缺一呢,你来吧? 洋洋:三缺一?还有两个是谁? 心涛:还有小李和小王。 洋洋:小李?他可是麻将高手,我上次和他打牌,输得精光。我才打两三张牌,他就胡了。我感觉我就是帮他洗牌的人肉麻将机。 心涛:小李打麻将打了十几年,他的水平我们是望尘莫及了。不过你可以和他学几招,和高手打牌你才能不断提高。 洋洋:那倒是。不过小王嘛,水平比我还差,上次和她打牌,诈和了好几次。 心涛:诈和?她怎么诈和? 洋洋:有一次,她说"我和了!"结果我一看,哪儿呀,她把六条看成了九条,根本就是诈和。而且小王牌品不好,她赢的时候,特别高兴,输了三次,就骂骂咧咧不打了。 心涛:是嘛,这我还不太了解。那你到底来不来? 洋洋:好吧好吧,反正闲着也是闲着,我过去玩儿一会儿吧。 XT: YY, what are you doing now?
YY: Nothing. I'm just staying at home/
XT: We are one
player short. Would you like to come?
YY: One more player? Who are the other two players?
XT: They are XiaoLi and XiaoWang.
YY: XiaoLi? He is a master of playing Mahjong. I lost a lot of money when I played with him last time. He won when I just
switch several pieces. I feel like I was the person who shuffled for him.
XT: XiaoLi has played Mahjong for more than ten years. We can't keep up with him. But you can learn a lot with him since master can improve your playing skill.
YY: Indeed. But as for XiaoWang, he plays worse than I do. She declared several false wins last time I played with her.
XT: False wins? How did she do that?
YY: She declared a false win when she recognized six strips as nine strips. She didn't realize it until I saw it. What's more, she is not gentle when playing Mahjong. She feels happy when she wins, but swears when she loses.
XT: I knew nothing about it. Are you coming to the end
YY: OK, I'll go and play for a while since I have nothing to do.
-- Jewel@
Lesson Summary:
If you want to learn how to play Mahjong, you can't miss our lesson today, because there are a lot of
related terms. These Mahjong terms can make you look like a master even if you don't know how to play. Lesson Content: XT: YY, what are you doing now?
YY: Nothing. I'm just staying at home/
XT: We are one
player short. Would you like to come?
YY: One more player? Who are the other two players?
XT: They are XiaoLi and XiaoWang.
YY: XiaoLi? He is a master of playing Mahjong. I lost a lot of money when I played with him last time. He won when I just
switch several pieces. I feel like I was the person who shuffled for him.
XT: XiaoLi has played Mahjong for more than ten years. We can't keep up with him. But you can learn a lot with him since master can improve your playing skill.
YY: Indeed. But as for XiaoWang, he plays worse than I do. She declared several false wins last time I played with her.
XT: False wins? How did she do that?
YY: She declared a false win when she recognized six strips as nine strips. She didn't realize it until I saw it. What's more, she is not gentle when playing Mahjong. She feels happy when she wins, but swears when she loses.
XT: I knew nothing about it. Are you coming to the end
YY: OK, I'll go and play for a while since I have nothing to do.