汉生:乐乐,今天感觉怎么样啊?好点没有? 乐乐:没什么好转,头昏昏沉沉的,鼻子也不通气,难受死了! 汉生:你有没有按时吃药啊? 乐乐:我不听谁的话也得听医生的话啊,一直在吃药,但好像没什么作用。 汉生:那你赶紧再去医院看看吧。 乐乐:不去不去!前天去过了,大夫建议我输液,可是我最怕打吊瓶了,就请求大夫再给我开两天药吃吃看,还不好的话再说。要是现在去肯定得打吊瓶了 汉生:都这么大了还怕打吊瓶? 丢不丢人啊! 乐乐:你不知道,我小的时候有一次打吊瓶,那个护士给我扎针扎了好多次才扎上,痛死我了!从那以后,我看见针就害怕,再也不敢打吊瓶了。 汉生:你可真是'一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳'啊!但你这样拖着也不是办法啊,会越来越严重的。要不你去试试中医吧,去刮刮痧。 乐乐:刮痧? 汉生:对啊,刮痧对感冒发热、头痛咳嗽什么的挺管用的,刮一两次症状就会减轻,立竿见影。 乐乐:真的假的?这么管用?可是我看别人刮痧背上都红一片紫一片的,特别恐怖,应该很疼吧! 汉生:这你就不懂了吧!皮肤发红恰恰表示有效果,说明你体内的湿热之气给刮出来了,而且刮痧一点也不疼,可能会觉得有些热,刮完之后感觉特别舒服,轻松很多。 乐乐:你怎么知道的?难道你刮过痧? 汉生:对啊,这可是我的亲身体会。我肠胃不太好,上周末刚刚去刮了痧。你可能还不知道,刮痧不仅可以治病,还能美容、减肥呢! 乐乐:真的?!你怎么不早说啊!赶紧带我去刮痧吧! HS: Le Le, how're you feeling today? Better?
LL: I'm not feeling any better, my head's spinning, my nose is blocked, it's unbearable!
HS: Have you been
taking your medicine on time?
LL: Of all orders I would never
disobey the doctor's orders. I've been
taking the medicine, but it doesn't seem to be of any use.
HS: Then you should quickly return to the hospital for another checkup.
LL: I'm not going, I went day before yesterday, the doctor wanted to put me on a drip, but I'm just too scared. So I asked the doctor to
prescribe me some more medicine for another two days, we'll take it from there if I don't get better by then. If I go now I'll
definitely be put on a drip.
HS: You're an adult and you're still scared of being put on a drip? This is embarrassing!
LL: Do you know that when I was young, I was put on a drip once. The nurse pricked me many times before she got it. It was so painful! From that time on, I've been scared of needles, I don't dare to be put on a drip anymore.
HS: You're truly the case of once
bitten twice shy (lit. once
bitten by the snake, one shies at coiled rope for ten years). You shouldn't keep dragging it like this. It'll get more serious by the day. Why don't you try Traditional Chinese Medicine? You can try
scrape therapy.
LL: Scrape therapy?
HS: Yep,
scrape therapy is very
effective for the common cold, fever, headache, coughs and what not. After one or two times, your symptoms will alleviate. The effect is instantaneous (lit. set up a pole and you'll see the shadow).
LL: Is it really so effective? But the people who went for
scrape therapy, their whole back is all red and purple. It's so scary, It seems very painful!
HS: You don't understand, the skin turning red indicates there's a result, it means that the damp heat in your body has surfaced. Moreover,
scrape therapy is not
painful at all, you might feel a little heat, but after that, you'll feel really comfortable and very relaxed.
LL: How do you know? Have you tried it before?
HS: Yep, I
personallyexperienced it. I just went for
scrape therapy last week, my
digestivesystem wasn't feeling good. Do you also know that
scrape therapy isn't only for treating illnesses? It can also be used for beauty purposes and for losing weight.
LL: Really? Why didn't you say so earlier? Let's go!
-- atchooo@
Lesson Summary:
Are you familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine? Do you think it is
effective in treating illnesses? Just like acupuncture,
scrape therapy is also method to treat illnesses. Do you think LeLe will accept Han Sheng's advice and go for
scrape therapy? Lesson Content: HS: Le Le, how're you feeling today? Better?
LL: I'm not feeling any better, my head's spinning, my nose is blocked, it's unbearable!
HS: Have you been
taking your medicine on time?
LL: Of all orders I would never
disobey the doctor's orders. I've been
taking the medicine, but it doesn't seem to be of any use.
HS: Then you should quickly return to the hospital for another checkup.
LL: I'm not going, I went day before yesterday, the doctor wanted to put me on a drip, but I'm just too scared. So I asked the doctor to
prescribe me some more medicine for another two days, we'll take it from there if I don't get better by then. If I go now I'll
definitely be put on a drip.
HS: You're an adult and you're still scared of being put on a drip? This is embarrassing!
LL: Do you know that when I was young, I was put on a drip once. The nurse pricked me many times before she got it. It was so painful! From that time on, I've been scared of needles, I don't dare to be put on a drip anymore.
HS: You're truly the case of once
bitten twice shy (lit. once
bitten by the snake, one shies at coiled rope for ten years). You shouldn't keep dragging it like this. It'll get more serious by the day. Why don't you try Traditional Chinese Medicine? You can try
scrape therapy.
LL: Scrape therapy?
HS: Yep,
scrape therapy is very
effective for the common cold, fever, headache, coughs and what not. After one or two times, your symptoms will alleviate. The effect is instantaneous (lit. set up a pole and you'll see the shadow).
LL: Is it really so effective? But the people who went for
scrape therapy, their whole back is all red and purple. It's so scary, It seems very painful!
HS: You don't understand, the skin turning red indicates there's a result, it means that the damp heat in your body has surfaced. Moreover,
scrape therapy is not
painful at all, you might feel a little heat, but after that, you'll feel really comfortable and very relaxed.
LL: How do you know? Have you tried it before?
HS: Yep, I
personallyexperienced it. I just went for
scrape therapy last week, my
digestivesystem wasn't feeling good. Do you also know that
scrape therapy isn't only for treating illnesses? It can also be used for beauty purposes and for losing weight.
LL: Really? Why didn't you say so earlier? Let's go!