
    病人:医生,赶紧给我开点止痛药,行吗?    医生:止痛药这东西可不能随便乱吃,你哪不舒服?    病人:(用手指指自己的牙齿)我这牙快把我折磨死了,真是应了那句"牙疼不是病,疼起来要人命"。医生,你随便用什么办法,只要能先帮我把疼止住就行了。    医生:你张开嘴巴,我看看。(医生边看边说)你这牙疼有几天了?脸都肿起来了。    病人:前前后后总共有三天了,之前不吃东西不疼,我没把它当回事,今天早上开始,不吃东西也疼得受不了了。    医生:我先给你开点止痛药。可是止痛药治标不治本,只能暂时缓解你的疼痛,    病人:这个我知道,现在还是先把疼止住再说。医生,那想要彻底根治这牙病,该怎么办啊?    医生:你这个牙,必须得拔了。不然以后会反复发作。    病人:现在能拔吗?最好现在就把它拔了,我不想再遭这个罪了。    医生:现在还不行,必须等你这牙不疼了,脸上的肿也消了,才能来拔。    病人:唉,这牙疼啊,真是活受罪。吃也吃不好,睡也睡不好。    医生:是啊,你平时就应该好好保护自己的牙齿。最好能做到早晚刷牙,饭后漱口,平时少吃特别冰,或者特别烫的东西,保持牙齿健康。这样既能免遭牙痛的折磨,又有利于自己身体健康。    病人:吃一堑,长一智。以后我一定会多加注意,谢谢医生。    医生:没事,你先把止痛药吃了,等牙不疼了再过来看看吧。    病人:好的。     Patient: Doctor, will you please quickly give me some painkiller?
Doctor: You shouldn't simply take painkiller, where's the pain?
P: (Pointing at her own tooth) This tooth really hurts, it really tallies well with the saying, "a toothache is not an illness, yet the pain hurts so bad!" Doctor, use any means you have, just help me ease the pain.
D: Open your mouth, let me have a look. (The doctor looks and speaks at the same time) How many days have you been having this toothache? Your face is all swollen.
P: Around three days in total. Before, it didn't hurt when I wasn't eating, so I didn't take it seriously. This morning, even when I wasn't eating, it hurt so bad that I just can't bear it anymore.
D: I'll prescribe you some painkiller first, but it can only relieve the symptoms, it doesn't get to the root [of the problem.] It can only temporarilyrelieve your pain.
P: Yep, I'm clear on that. Right now, easing the pain is the priority. Doctor, how are you going to completely cure this toothache?
D: This tooth of yours should be extracted, otherwise this problem will recur.
P: Can you extract it now? It would be best if you can extract it right away, I can't bear to face this pain again.
D: No, now won't do, we have to wait until the pain eases off and the swelling subsides before it can be extracted.
P: Sigh, having a toothache is a living hell. I can't eat properly, and I also can't sleep peacefully.
D: Yea, you should take good care of your teeth regularly. It's best if you can brush your teeth in the morning and at night; rinse your mouth after food. You should also reduce intake of foods that are icy cold or burning hot so that you can maintain a set of healthy teeth. This way, you can avoid such torment and at the same time, it is also beneficial for your health.
P: I'll know better next time [lit. fall into a pit and you'll be wiser next time]. In the future, I'll surely be more attentive. Thank you doctor.
D: No problem, take your painkiller first, when the pain stops, you can drop by again and let me have a look.
P: Ok.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Have you ever had a toothache? When you have a toothache, you can't eat, and neither can you sleep. At this time, only the dentist can save you. Lesson Content: Patient: Doctor, will you please quickly give me some painkiller?
Doctor: You shouldn't simply take painkiller, where's the pain?
P: (Pointing at her own tooth) This tooth really hurts, it really tallies well with the saying, "a toothache is not an illness, yet the pain hurts so bad!" Doctor, use any means you have, just help me ease the pain.
D: Open your mouth, let me have a look. (The doctor looks and speaks at the same time) How many days have you been having this toothache? Your face is all swollen.
P: Around three days in total. Before, it didn't hurt when I wasn't eating, so I didn't take it seriously. This morning, even when I wasn't eating, it hurt so bad that I just can't bear it anymore.
D: I'll prescribe you some painkiller first, but it can only relieve the symptoms, it doesn't get to the root [of the problem.] It can only temporarilyrelieve your pain.
P: Yep, I'm clear on that. Right now, easing the pain is the priority. Doctor, how are you going to completely cure this toothache?
D: This tooth of yours should be extracted, otherwise this problem will recur.
P: Can you extract it now? It would be best if you can extract it right away, I can't bear to face this pain again.
D: No, now won't do, we have to wait until the pain eases off and the swelling subsides before it can be extracted.
P: Sigh, having a toothache is a living hell. I can't eat properly, and I also can't sleep peacefully.
D: Yea, you should take good care of your teeth regularly. It's best if you can brush your teeth in the morning and at night; rinse your mouth after food. You should also reduce intake of foods that are icy cold or burning hot so that you can maintain a set of healthy teeth. This way, you can avoid such torment and at the same time, it is also beneficial for your health.
P: I'll know better next time [lit. fall into a pit and you'll be wiser next time]. In the future, I'll surely be more attentive. Thank you doctor.
D: No problem, take your painkiller first, when the pain stops, you can drop by again and let me have a look.
P: Ok.