
    大卫:汉生,听说你过段时间要去德国,是吗?    汉生:对,去参加一个国际研讨会。    大卫:真让人忌妒啊,可以趁这个机会旅旅游、玩一玩。    乐乐:是啊!什么时候我也能有这么好的机会啊!    汉生:你们这是站着说话不腰疼!你们真以为出去开会好玩啊?什么时候你们出去开一次试试就知道了,又累又无聊,哪有在家待着舒服啊!    大卫:跑来跑去的确实不轻松,不过总比每天上班下班有意思吧!对了,我有件事要拜托你。    汉生:什么事你说,别客气。    大卫:你在德国喝完的饮料瓶的瓶盖能不能带回来给我?    汉生:你要它干什么啊?    大卫:我在收集各种瓶盖,这是我的新爱好。    乐乐:别人都收集钱币、邮票什么的,你怎么收集瓶盖?也太奇怪了吧?    大卫:萝卜白菜,各有所爱。瓶盖也有很多可爱之处。汉生不是也在收集各种杯子、碗什么的嘛!    乐乐:人家那是古董收藏!    汉生:还谈不上收藏,只是喜欢而已,等我什么时候发财了再说收藏的事吧。    乐乐:你们这些爱好不是太古怪就是太奢侈,而且也没什么用。    汉生:大卫,你不知道乐乐喜欢收集什么吧?冰箱贴。    大卫:冰箱贴?    乐乐:是啊!我每去一个地方,都会买一两个冰箱贴回来,贴在冰箱上特别漂亮,而且还很实用,比如有的可以在上面记事、留言,有的带有温度计。当然了,最重要的是它们能让我想起曾经去过的那些地方。每次站在冰箱前,就觉得特别有幸福感和成就感!    大卫:如果你们家冰箱贴满了怎么办?    乐乐:这我倒没想过,那就再买一台冰箱呗!    汉生:看来这爱好也不便宜呀!     David: Han Sheng, I heard that you'll be going to Germany some time soon, is that right?
HS: Yep, I'll be attending an international seminar over there.
David: I'm really so envious, you can take this chance and tour around, have some fun.
LL: Right! I really wonder when I'll ever get such an opportunity!
HS: That's easy for you to say! Do you really think that it's fun to attend a meeting? Maybe you should try it out, then you'll know. It's tiring and boring, it's so much more comfortable to be at home!
David: Of course running around isn't something relaxing, but it sure beats a monotonous day at work! Say, I need a favor from you.
HS: What about?
David: Can you keep the bottle caps of your drinks in Germany for me?
HS: Whatever do you want them for?
David: I'm collecting different types of bottle caps, this is my latest interest.
LL: People (normally) collect currencies, stamps and what not, why do you collect bottle caps? This is so quirky.
David: Everyone has their own preferences. Bottle caps are charming in their own ways. I think Han Sheng is collecting cups, bowls and things like that!
LL: He's collecting antiques!
HS: Those are not considered collector's items, I just like them, that's all. If I strike it rich one of these days, then we can talk about collector's items.
LL: Your hobbies are not that eccentric, they're just extravagant, and what's more, they're useless.
HS: David, want to know what Le Le collects? Fridge magnets.
David: Fridge magnets?
LL: Right! Every time I go some place, I'll buy a couple of fridge magnets, they look really pretty on the fridge, they're also very practical, we can jot some notes and leave messages on them, one of them even has a thermometer on it. Of course, most importantly, they remind me of all the places I've visited. Every time I stand in front of the fridge, I really feel so blessed. It also gives me a sense of attainment!
David: What are you gonna do when your fridge gets all filled up?
LL: I haven't thought about this before, why, just buy another fridge!
HS: Looks like this hobby isn't cheap!

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Do you collect unique items? People usually collect items such as stamps, international currencies, antiques.... Today we'll take a look at some of the quirky things that people collect. Lesson Content: David: Han Sheng, I heard that you'll be going to Germany some time soon, is that right?
HS: Yep, I'll be attending an international seminar over there.
David: I'm really so envious, you can take this chance and tour around, have some fun.
LL: Right! I really wonder when I'll ever get such an opportunity!
HS: That's easy for you to say! Do you really think that it's fun to attend a meeting? Maybe you should try it out, then you'll know. It's tiring and boring, it's so much more comfortable to be at home!
David: Of course running around isn't something relaxing, but it sure beats a monotonous day at work! Say, I need a favor from you.
HS: What about?
David: Can you keep the bottle caps of your drinks in Germany for me?
HS: Whatever do you want them for?
David: I'm collecting different types of bottle caps, this is my latest interest.
LL: People (normally) collect currencies, stamps and what not, why do you collect bottle caps? This is so quirky.
David: Everyone has their own preferences. Bottle caps are charming in their own ways. I think Han Sheng is collecting cups, bowls and things like that!
LL: He's collecting antiques!
HS: Those are not considered collector's items, I just like them, that's all. If I strike it rich one of these days, then we can talk about collector's items.
LL: Your hobbies are not that eccentric, they're just extravagant, and what's more, they're useless.
HS: David, want to know what Le Le collects? Fridge magnets.
David: Fridge magnets?
LL: Right! Every time I go some place, I'll buy a couple of fridge magnets, they look really pretty on the fridge, they're also very practical, we can jot some notes and leave messages on them, one of them even has a thermometer on it. Of course, most importantly, they remind me of all the places I've visited. Every time I stand in front of the fridge, I really feel so blessed. It also gives me a sense of attainment!
David: What are you gonna do when your fridge gets all filled up?
LL: I haven't thought about this before, why, just buy another fridge!
HS: Looks like this hobby isn't cheap!