
    心涛:洋洋,你周末有什么安排?    洋洋:我计划周末带乐乐去美容院。    心涛:是你美容啊?还是乐乐美容啊?    洋洋:当然是乐乐了!    心涛:这年头听说过人美容,还真没听说过给宠物美容的。    洋洋:你out了!现在养宠物的人越来越多了。为了让自己的宠物更加健康美丽,很多人都开始给自己的宠物做美容。你没有看到满大街的宠物美容店吗?生意可红火了!    心涛:看来我真是落伍了。    洋洋:要不你陪我和乐乐去美容吧,也算开开眼界,见识见识。你可以在美容院隔着玻璃看着他们给乐乐打理毛发、清洁牙齿、修剪指甲。    心涛:啊?小狗还需要修剪指甲?    洋洋:当然需要了!我们家乐乐每两个月都得修剪一次指甲。    心涛:算了吧,你还是自己去吧。我实在欣赏不了这种做法。 XT: YY, what are your plans for the weekend?
YY: I am taking Lele to the beauty saloon.
XT: Are you getting something done or Lele?
YY: Lele of course!
XT: Lately, I hear about people going to the beauty parlor, but I have really never heard of pets getting beautyfing procedures.
YY: You are so old-fashioned. Nowadays more and more people raise pets. To keep their pets healthy and pretty many people have started giving them beautifying procedures. Havent you seen the many pet bauty saloons on the streets? Their business is booming!
XT: It seems that I have fallen behind.
YY: How about you come with me and Lele to the saloon? You will expand your horizons and gain some knowledge. You can look throught the window of the saloon how they take care of her fur, clean her teeth and trim her nails.
XT: Ah? Do dogs need to get their nails trimmed?
YY: Of course they need to! Our Lele needs to get her nails trimmed once every two months.
XT: Say no more! You'd better go alone. I wouldn't really care for all that.

Lesson Summary:
There are more and more households that have pets nowadays. The number of shops offering pet services also grows. Today we will talk about a pet grooming saloon that offers beutifying services for pets. Lesson Content: XT: YY, what are your plans for the weekend?
YY: I am taking Lele to the beauty saloon.
XT: Are you getting something done or Lele?
YY: Lele of course!
XT: Lately, I hear about people going to the beauty parlor, but I have really never heard of pets getting beautyfing procedures.
YY: You are so old-fashioned. Nowadays more and more people raise pets. To keep their pets healthy and pretty many people have started giving them beautifying procedures. Havent you seen the many pet bauty saloons on the streets? Their business is booming!
XT: It seems that I have fallen behind.
YY: How about you come with me and Lele to the saloon? You will expand your horizons and gain some knowledge. You can look throught the window of the saloon how they take care of her fur, clean her teeth and trim her nails.
XT: Ah? Do dogs need to get their nails trimmed?
YY: Of course they need to! Our Lele needs to get her nails trimmed once every two months.
XT: Say no more! You'd better go alone. I wouldn't really care for all that.