心涛:洋洋,你怎么买了这么多馒头? 洋洋:我准备带回家给咪咪吃。 心涛:咪咪?你养猫了? 洋洋:没有。我们小区最近来了两只流浪猫,有一只特别可爱,我给她取了名字,叫咪咪。我看它们经常在垃圾桶旁翻来翻去的,怪可怜的,所以晚上没什么事儿的话,我就拿馒头给它们吃。 心涛:原来是这样啊。流浪猫确实够可怜的,也不知道这些猫是迷路了,还是被主人抛弃了。不过你打算长期照顾这些猫吗? 洋洋:我也不知道。能照顾一天就算一天吧。要是有流浪猫收容所就好了。 XT: YY, why did you buy so many mantous?
YY: I am
taking it home for MImi.
XT: Mimi? Are you raising a cat?
YY: No. Two stray cats came to our neighbourhood these last days. One of them is very cute. I called her Mimi. I really feel sorry for her watching her
fumble through the
garbage cans, so if I have nothing to do in the evenings, I bring her mantous.
XT: Oh, I see. Stray cats are really poor creatures. I don't know if they have
gotten lost or have been
abandoned by their owners. Do you intend to take care of this cat for a long time?
YY: I don't know either. Even a day of care counts. It would be nice if there was a cat shelter.
Lesson Summary:
Do you like cats? If you see a stray cat could you adopt it? Lesson Content: XT: YY, why did you buy so many mantous?
YY: I am
taking them home for Mimi.
XT: Mimi? Are you raising a cat?
YY: No. Two stray cats came to our neighbourhood these last days. One of them is very cute. I called her Mimi. I really feel sorry for her watching her
fumble through the
garbage cans, so if I have nothing to do in the evenings, I bring her mantous.
XT: Oh, I see. Stray cats are really poor creatures. I don't know if they have
gotten lost or have been
abandoned by their owners. Do you intend to take care of this cat for a long time?
YY: I don't know either. Even a day of care counts. It would be nice if there was a cat shelter.