
    今天是星期一。我吃过早饭,就上班去了。我家离单位有点远,大概十公里左右。北京的交通很糟糕,总是堵车。我花了将近一个小时,终于到了公司。 Today is Monday. After I ate breakfast, I went to work. My home is a bit far from my office, about 10 kilometers or so. Beijing's traffic is terrible. There is always traffic jams. I spent nearly an hour, and finally got to the company.


Lesson Summary:
How long does it take you to get to work? Is it great or bad on the road? Today, we take a look at the life of an average worker going to work. Lesson Content: Today is Monday. I ate breakfast early then left for work. My home is a bit far from my office, about 10 kilometers or so. Beijing's traffic is terrible. There are always traffic jams. I spent nearly an hour, and finally arrived at the company.