
    我很害怕周末陪老婆逛街买衣服。 我更害怕她在试衣服的时候问我:"亲爱的,你觉得这件怎么样?" 我最害怕她问我:"亲爱的,你觉得这件衣服好看还是刚才的那件好看?" 回答完这些问题我常常筋疲力尽。 不过,我很有把握回答的一个问题是:"亲爱的,你觉得我穿这件是不是显得有点胖?",我的回答永远是:"不,一点也不胖。" I am afraid to go shopping with my wife on the weekend. I am more afraid of she asking me, "Love, how do you think of this?", when she tries on clothes. My worst fear is when she asks me, "Darling, do you like this dress or the previous one"? I am always so exhausted after answering those questions. However, I am very certain about one question (she asks), "Honey, do you think I look fat in this"? "No, not at all."- this is always my answer.

Shiyu Z@

Lesson Summary:
What is your worst fear? Rats, your boos or clothes? Huzi's answer is clothes. Have you ever shopped with your wife? While she is hesitating between white or red, you have already exhausted. Now you know why Huzi's answer is clothes. Alright, let's hear about Huzi's pitiful experience. Lesson Content: I am afraid to go shopping with my wife on the weekend. I am more afraid of she asking me, "Love, how do you think of this?", when she tries on clothes. My worst fear is when she asks me, "Darling, do you like this dress or the previous one"? I am always so exhausted after answering those questions. However, I am very certain about one question (she asks), "Honey, do you think I look fat in this"? "No, not at all."- this is always my answer.