
    青青:胡子,求你了,周日和我去滑雪吧?    胡子:本来我有点犹豫了,但是天气预报说周日下雪,还刮大风,所以我决定不去了。    青青:滑完雪我请你吃火锅。你再考虑考虑?    胡子:不用考虑了,那还不如我自己在家吃火锅,我讨厌冷飕飕的感觉。     青青:Hu zi, go with me to ski this weekend, please!
胡子:I got a little hesitated. But weather report said it would snow this Sundayy with strong wind. So I give it up completely.
青青:I can serve you hot pot. Think it again?
胡子:No need. I would rather have hot pot in my own house. I'm sick of cold feeling.