Ways to Get around in Thailand——惠惠王
The weather is very hot in Thailand, so people are concerned about protecting themselves from the sunburn. They always put on long-sleeve clothes when going out. Motorcycle drivers even wear black sleeves which very much resemble those of bank robbers and look quite fearsome. In Thailand, there is no distinction between a sidewalk and a cycle-track, and riding a bike in the street might be very dangerous. 这里的人们习惯骑摩托车。有的人很小时就会骑,上了中学几乎就都骑摩托车了。中国的大学里处处都是自行车,很多车报废了,就被主人遗忘在一边。而在泰国,大学里处处都是摩托车,成排成排的。只有个别经济条件不富裕的学生骑自行车。骑自行车热不说,还很慢。
People here are used to riding motorcycles. Some people have learnt to ride when they were very young, and almost everyone would ride a motorbike to school when they reached middle school age. There are bicycles everywhere in Chinese universities. Those scrap ones are often discarded in the corners. While, rows of motorcycles would be seen everywhere in Thai universities; only students who can not afford a motorbike would ride bicycles. In such a climate one feels hot when riding bicycles, and it is also slow. 因为是靠左行,我并不是很习惯,有时候上了自行车就习惯地靠右骑了。因此我很少骑自行车出去。一来路上的汽车和摩托车太多,二来方向会乱,过十字路口就是个困难。但是偶尔骑自行车出去买东西就会发现,其实泰国人对骑自行车的人还是很照顾的。刚开始过路口的时候,我都是下来看看,必须确保真的没有危险了,再推着车过去。后来我发现汽车和摩托车都会停下来等我,于是我每次过路口的时候,大概看一下就骑过去了。有时我还能看到司机的微笑,有时还有人给我做手势,指挥我过马路。
In Thailand, the traffic keeps to the left side and I am still not used to it. Sometimes I still ride to the right side unconsciously. Due to the fact that the streets are always crowded with cars and motorcycles and that I have a poor sense of direction, I seldom bicycle in the street. But actually the Thais do think about the bicycle riders. When I rode to a crossing, I usually stopped and looked around, and then walked my bike across the street when I was sure it was perfectly safe. But later I have observed that cars and motorcycles would stop for a while for me to cross the street, and thus from then on I would directly ride across the street without paying much attention to the both sides. Sometimes I can see the drivers smile to me, some of whom even guide me to cross the street. 泰国的城市并不是很发达,但一般家家都会有车。那种可以坐5个人后面还可以拉点货物的车很受欢迎。因为除了曼谷这种公交、地铁、天铁、轻轨很发达的城市,在其他城市生活要想出行方便,就必须有个私家车。不过,我所在的大学里有电车,有固定的站点,从早晨一直运营到晚上11点半,节假日也不休息,很方便。
Thailand is not a well developed country, but generally every family owns vehicles. Vans which can accommodate five people and some goods are most popular here. It is necessary for the family to get a car, especially in cities other than Bangkok because they have not developed a convenient public transportation system. In my university, there are trolley buses providing shuttle services from morning to 11:30 at night, with no cancellation on holidays. It is very convenient.
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