An Exciting Competition of Tug-of-war——李延泽
During the third class in the afternoon, our teacher brought us to the playground and said, "Boys and girls, we are going to have a competition of Tug-of-war this afternoon. I hope that you can work together and win this game". After hearing these words, we all rolled up our sleeves for the battle. 比赛开始了,场面很快进入高潮,同学们的欢呼声、跺脚声响彻操场。不一会儿,该我们班上场了。早已选好的15个同学列队入场,站好位置,摆好姿势,身子往后倾斜,腿弯成弓步型,脚顶脚,一个在左边,一个在右边,都是一副蓄势待发的摸样。只听"嘟"的一声哨响,队员们用双手紧紧抓住大麻绳,个个使出了全身的力气。他们手上筋脉突出,胳膊肌肉紧绷,身上淌出了汗水,脸憋得通红。看到他们那个样子,拉拉队喊得更带劲了:"加油!加油!"队员们听到我们的鼓励更加精神抖擞,斗志昂扬了。只见绳子中间的红领巾离我们越来越近,马上就要进入我们班的界限了。四三班的同学也不甘示弱,个个使出吃奶的劲,腮帮子鼓起,像一个个杀红了眼的战士。一开始,我们都以为自己赢定了,所以都不知不觉松了一口气,没想到他们班突然使劲地往后拽,绳子开始迅速往他们那边移去。我们心急如焚,大声喊:"一定要齐心协力,力量要一致!"队员们听了我们的话,立即稳住身体,齐力向后拉,但最终还是没能挽回局面。
The competition soon began. The sound of hurrah and stamping could be heard all over the playground. The atmosphere was heated. After a while, it was our turn. The 15 selected classmates walked into the competition ground in a queue. They posted well. Their bodies leaned back. Their legs arched and they propped their feet against each others'. One was on the left side and the next one stood on the right side. They were all eager to fight. At the sound of the whistle, their hands grasped the rope tightly, and all of them spared no efforts. We could see their vessels on hands and muscles are popping out. They sweated and their faces turned red. At the sight, the cheer squad shouted even louder, "Come on!"The red scarf in the middle of the rope moved closer and closer to us and even was about to come to our place. However, the players from the opposite were not willing to give up. They worked so hard that their cheeks plumped up. They were like warriors. At the beginning, we were sure that we were going to win. We all felt so relaxed. We did not expect that their class suddenly pulled the rope with such an effort to their side. We felt so worried and shouted, "Come on. Work together!" Our players re-stabilized their bodies and pulled the rope with all their strength left. However, they still could not make it. 比赛结束了,胜利的四三班在高声欢呼,而我们班的队员们一个个垂头丧气、闷闷不乐地走回了教室。
The competition was over. Class 43 enjoyed the victory and our players all walked back to the classroom with unhappy faces. 今天,我们虽然输了,但那"永不言败"的精神依然留在我们心中,我们要把这股劲儿用到学习上,以勤奋刻苦的精神争取做学习上的冠军。
We lost the game, but we still had the spirit of never giving up. We should carry this spirit into our study, and work hard to become the winners in our study.
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