地球妈妈别哭泣 Don't cry, Mother Earth!----景馨瑶
"呜呜...."是谁在哭泣?震得天上下起了雨;"呜呜...."是谁在哭泣?吓得小溪停止了欢快的歌;"呜呜...."是谁在哭泣?令小星星们失去了耀眼的光芒。哦!原来是我们的地球妈妈!Who's that crying, causing the rain to fall? Who's that crying, causing the stream to stop running? Who's that crying, causing the starlets to lose their rays? Oh! It's our Mother Earth. 地球妈妈别哭泣!我们正在爱护树木,植树造林,给树木们安一个新家,帮您找回那绿色的羽翼。Don't cry, Mother Earth! We are taking care of the trees, planting more and restoring forests, helping you become green once again. 地球妈妈别哭泣!我们正在保护大海,使那蓝色不被污染,不被侵蚀,为您重新披上美丽的蓝白色纱衣。Don't cry Mother Earth! We are protecting the oceans from pollution and erosion. 地球妈妈别哭泣!我们正在全力维护生态食物链,使小动物们重获新生,让它们幸福地生活,为您重新焕发勃勃生机。Don't cry Mother Earth! We are doing our best to maintain the circle of life to allow the animals to live happily and to help you glow with vitality once again. 地球妈妈别哭泣!我们正提倡节能减排,低碳生活,净化那污浊的空气,让您重拾那份清新。Don't cry Mother Earth! We are advocating energy-saving emission-reduction and a low-carbon lifestyle to purify the polluted air and refresh you. 地球妈妈别哭泣!我们正在寻求和平,制止战争,消除那不和谐的声音,让您看到全世界人们幸福地生活。Don't cry Mother Earth! We are seeking peace, stopping wars and all the chaos to allow all on earth to live happily. 地球妈妈,请您别哭泣。我们会为您穿上新衣,找回您的羽衣,您的笑容。不久的将来,您一定会看到我们坐在绿油油的草坪上,仰望满天的群星,听着小溪欢快地歌唱,呼吸着新鲜的空气......Mother Earth, please don't cry. We will clothe you with new garments and find your lost smile. In the near future, you will see us sitting on the green grass, looking up at the stars in the sky, listening to the happy songs of the streams and breathing in the fresh air. 地球妈妈,请您擦干眼泪,重新恢复您以前美丽笑容吧!Mother Earth, please dry your eyes and bring back your beautiful smile.本文转载自景馨瑶的个人空间,要阅读更多作者文章,请移步作者个人空间http://i.myechinese.com/index.php?s=/space/4855。
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