

                                                                                                                                                            Wǎnchūn Jiāng Qíng Jì Yǒurén

                               Hán Cóng (Táng)

                               Wǎn rì dī xiáqǐ,

                                qíng shān yuǎn huàméi.

                               Chūn qīng hépàn cǎo,

                               bú shì wàng xiāng shí.




As the sun is slipping down to sleep, there is a beautiful sunset. The distant green mountains are visible under the clear sky, looking like the dark eyebrows of a beautiful woman. The luxuriant grass by the long river is turned into an emerald sea by the spring. Confronted by this beautiful scenery, although this is not the time for missing home, I am filled with an overwhelming desire to go back.
This poem describes a clear day in late spring and the beautiful scenery by the river at dusk. This scene has a great power to evoke homesickness, a melancholy feeling of longing for friends and home, but the author says this is not a good time to miss home. It seems as though this is illogical, actually it lets out the author's true feelings about home and his friends.
His heart is fiercelymissing home, but he is unable to return, so he dares not to face this beautiful scenery which will cause a nostalgic feeling. This means of artistic expression to describe what's in one's heart while at the same time hold it back leaves people with a very deep impression.

晚霞:(wǎnxiá) n.  sunset clouds
青黛:(qīngdài) n.  indigo
画眉:(huàméi) n.  penciled eyebrow
眺望:(tiàowàng) v.  look into the distance
惆怅:(chóuchàng) v.  disconsolate; melancholy