

                                                                                                                                                     Pínjiāo Xíng

                                  Dù Fǔ(Táng)

                               Fān shǒu wéi yún fù shǒu yǔ,

                                fēnfēn qīngbó héxū shǔ.

                                Jūn bú jiàn Guǎn Bào pín shí jiāo,

                               Cǐ dào jīnrén qì rú tǔ.




"行" is an ancient poem style. "贫交" refers to friendship established in the time of difficulty.
Some people are changeable to their friends, like the clouds turn into the rain in the wink of an eye. How despicable is this frivolous and fickle relations! The friendship between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya in the ancient time never changed no matter in good time or in bad time. However this kind of virtue is cast away like dirt by people today.
The poet repudiated the false, evil and ugly behaviors in the society at that time, such as fawning upon the rich and powerful persons and forgetting friendship for profit in interpersonal exchanges, and expressed his yearnings for the unswerving amity between people whether in face of poverty or wealth in ancient times.

轻浮(qīngfú)adj. levity
薄情(bóqíng)adj. fickle
美德(měidé)n. virtue
趋炎附势(qūyánfùshì) adj. to hail the rising sun
见利忘义(jiànlìwàngyì)adj. for the sake of thirty silver coins
尖锐(jiānruì)adj. acute
批判(pīpàn)v. criticism