
金缕衣 The Gold-Threaded Robe

金缕衣jīn lǚ yī

无名氏wúmíngshì  Anonymous

Quàn jūn mò xī jīn lǚ yī,
quàn jūn xū xī shàonián shí.
Yǒu huā kān zhé zhí xū zhé,
mò dài wú huā kōng zhé zhī.

诗词解析 Analysis


"金缕衣(jīn lǚ yī)" is a popular lyrics in the middle of Tang Dynasty.


I suggest you not covet the gold-threaded robe too much but suggest you cherish the good days when you are still young. If a bud opens, gather it as you could lest you would only wait for an empty bough.


The first two lines uses "劝君" twice; the first is a negativesentence and the second is an affirmative one, which make a comparison between the valuable gold and the invaluable time. The last two lines draw an analogy with flowers. Flowers blossom in spring when is the best season in the year. . Youth is to one's life what spring is to the year. These two lines urge young people to seize the day and not to regret in old age. The poem uses means of repeating and overlapping to expound the idea: do not waste the beautiful youth.

词语注释 Words

珍贵(zhēnguì)a. precious; valuable

珍惜(zhēnxī)v. treasure;cherish

摘(zhāi)v. pick

光阴(guāngyīn)n. time

徒(tú)adv. in vain; to no avail

歌咏(gēyǒng)v. in praise of

辜负(gūfù)v. fail to live up to; disappoint