
夜雨寄北 Note on a Rainy Night to a Friend in the North

夜雨寄北 yè yǔ jì běi

李商隐(唐)Lǐ Shāngyǐn (Táng)
Li Shangyin (Tang Dynasty)

Jūn wèn guī qī wèi yǒu qī,
Bāshān yè yǔ zhǎng qiū chí.
Hédāng gòng jiǎn xī chuāng zhú,
què huà Bāshān yè yǔ shí.

诗词解析 Analysis


"夜雨寄北(yè yǔ jì běi)" refers to the note to a friend in the north on a rainy night. "北(běi)" represents the person in the north. We can infer from the poem that the person here refers to the wife of the poet. "巴山(Bāshān)" stands for the mountains in Sichuan, because the poet was in Sichuan at that time.


You ask when I'm coming back home, but I really don't know the exact date yet. The endless rain filled the pools on this autumn night. When we shall be able to trim wicks again, together in your western window, I would talk to you  about this moment of night rain in Sichuan.


The poem depicts the poet's deep yearning for his faraway homeland and family on a rainy autumn night. Reading his wife's letter, he imagined the moment of family reunion when he would tell them about this lonely and cold night again in Sichuan.

词语注释 Words

日期(rìqī)n. date

绵绵的(miánmián de)a. endless

池塘(chítáng)n. pool; pond

团聚(guāngyīn)v. reunite

烛芯(tú)n. candle wick

怀着(huáizhe)v. be filled with (in one's heart)

思念(sīniàn) v. miss; yearn for

憧憬(chōngjǐng)v. look forward to

回忆(huíyì)v. recall; look back upon