
九月九日忆山东兄弟 Thinking Of My Brothers On Mountain-climbing Day

九月九日忆山东兄弟jiǔ yuè jiǔ rì yì shān dōng xiōngdì

王 维(唐)Wáng Wéi (Táng)
Wang Wei (Tang Dynasty)

Dú zài yìxiāng wéi yì kè,
měi féng jiājié bèi sī qīn.
Yáo zhī xiōngdì dēnggāo chù,
biàn chā zhūyú shǎo yì rén.

诗词解析 Analysis


Mountain-climbing Day refers to the Double Ninth Festival, which is on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. It is a festival highly valued by Chinese folks. Chinese people usually climb mountains, carry dogwood on their heads, and drink chrysanthemum wine on the day. Legend has it that by doing these people can avoid disasters. "忆(yì)" means to recall. "山东(shān dōng)" means the place to the east of Mount Hua, which actually refers to the Shangxi Province nowadays, the hometown of the poet Wang Wei.


All alone in a foreign land, I am an outside visitor. I am twice as homesick on the festivals. When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain, they may realize that I am not there.


The poem was written by the poet Wang Wei at his young age when he was in the capital of Chang'an at that time and felt nostalgic for his hometown and family on the Double Ninth Festival, and it expressed the deep emotion of a traveling young man in a strange place. The busy capital was of great appeal to young men at that time. However, it was still a strange land to a young new comer after all. The more bustling the city was, the more solitary the young man felt in the crowds.

词语注释 Words

重阳节(Chóngyángjié) n. the Double Ninth Festival

登高(dēnggāo) phr. climb mountains

茱萸(zhūyú) n. dogwood

避灾(bì zāi) phr. avoid disaster

异乡(yìxiāng) n. strange land

首都(shǒudū) n. capital city

士子(shìzǐ) n. scholar

毕竟(bìjìng) adv. after all

孤独(gūdú) adj. lonely; alone