
春怨 A Spring Sigh

春怨chūn yuàn

Jīn Chānɡxù(Tánɡ)

Dǎ qǐ huánɡyīnɡér,
mò jiāo zhī shànɡ tí.
Tí shí jīnɡ qiè mènɡ,
bú dé dào liáo xī.

诗词解析 Analysis


This poem tells about a woman who misses her husband who has gone on an expedition far away from home. It does not tell us explicitly how the woman misses her husband; instead, it portrays a scene in the woman's dream– her reunion with her husband in the west of Liao district. However, in the morning, orioles begin to sing and interrupt her dream. She feels annoyed because when she is awakened  she's unable to join her husband in her dream. She wants to drive the orioles away so that she can continue her dream. In a subtle way, the poem shows with originality the woman's deep affections towards her husband, leaving the reader  refreshed.


征战(zhēnɡzhàn) v. go on an expedition

啼叫(tíjiào) v. (birds) sing

惊醒(jīnɡxǐnɡ) v. wake up suddenly

侧面(cèmiàn) n. side

含蓄(hánxù) adj. implicit

新意(xīnyì) n. new ideals