春夜喜雨 chūn yè xǐ yǔ杜甫(唐)
Dù Fǔ (Táng )
Hǎo yǔ zhī shí jiē ,dāng chūn nǎi fā shēng.
Suí fēng qián rù yè ,rùn wù xì wú shēng.
Yě jìng yún jù hēi ,jiāng chuán huǒ dú míng.
Xiǎo kàn hóng shī chù ,huā zhòng jǐn guān chéng.
诗词解析 Analysis 春雨知道在这个季节,万物都需要它的滋润,随着春风,它在夜里悄悄地下起来。夜晚走在没有月亮乌云密布的乡间小路,黑暗中有一只江边小船,独自发着光亮,明天早上花朵都将沾满雨水,整个成都城会变成繁花盛开的世界。
The spring
shower seems like to know that everything needs it this season. With the spring breeze, it falls quietly at night. Walking down a country lane, there is no moon, and dark clouds gather in the sky. A small boat at the
riverside sheds light alone. Tomorrow morning, the flowers will be covered with rainwater, and all of Chengdu city will become a world of blossoms.
In spring, rain is as precious as oil. Thus, the title of this poem is "春夜喜雨." The poet praises the "friendly rain" at night and imagines a beautiful spring scene the next morning. These
reflect the joyfulness of the poet.
词语注释乃(nǎi):adv. just潜(qián):v. to submerge径(jìng):n. path锦官城(jǐn guān chéng):n. alternative name for the city of Chengdu图片来源: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1547698303