牢(láo)字形 Character Pattern 古体"牢"字外部"宀"是屋顶,表示牲畜的圈,中间是"牛"字,代表牲畜,整字像牲畜被关在圈里的形状。古时牢是养牲畜的地方,有成语"亡羊补牢",意思是,羊丢了,赶快修补羊圈,还不晚。后来,"牢"的意思由关牲畜的地方引申为关人的地方,即监狱。
The exterior part of the ancient form of the character "牢" is like the fence surrounding the livestock, and its middle part is "牛" representing livestock. The whole character indicates the livestock enclosed in fences. In the ancient time, "牢" was where livestock were raised. There is an idiom "亡羊补牢" means it is still not too late if one mends the fold quickly after the sheep have been stolen. Later, the meaning of "牢" extended to refer to the places where people were kept, i.e. prisons. Now, the common meaning of "牢" is prison.字义 Meaningprison
组词 Words牢房(láofáng)prison坐牢(zuòláo)be in prison牢固(láogù)firm牢记(láojì)remember well牢骚(láosāo)complaint牢靠(láokào)reliable例句 Sentences1. 他因为偷东西而坐牢了。Tā yīnwèi tōu dōngxi ér zuòláo le.He's in prison for pinching goods.2. 我试着把她说的话牢记在心里。Wǒ shìzhe bǎ tā shuō de huà láojì zài xīnli.I tried to fix her words in my mind.3. 由于没有足够的资金,这家企业的基础不牢靠,不久就破产了。Yóuyú méiyǒu zúgòu de zījīn, zhè jiā qǐyè de jīchǔ bù láokào, bùjiǔ jiù pòchǎn le.The business was built on sand because it has insufficient capital, and it soon failed.