In the period of the Warring States, the Sate of Zhao was weak and oppressed by the State of Qin, the strongest power among all states. At the time there was a man in the State of Zhao named Lin Xiangru, who was wise and courageous. He fought hard for the dignity of his state when he participated in the negotiation with Qin as a diplomatic envoy. The king of Zhao gave him a position of authority due to his excellent contributions, which annoyed the general Lian Po, who thought defiantly: "I have fought in so many battles to defend the state. Compared with my feats, Lin Xiangru's work of simply a few words amounts to nothing at all. Why should he take a position higher than me?" The more he thought about it, the more he got irritated. He said in public that he would disgrace Lin Xiangru in person. Lian Po's words reached Lin Xiangru's ears, who then avoided meeting Lian Po on purpose. However, the men of Lian Po became more aggressive and audacious. When people asked Lin Xiangru whether he was afraid of Lian Po, he answered with a smile: "How am I supposed to fear General Lian Po when I am not afraid of the king of Qin? It is because of the unity among the officials of Zhao that Qin can find no opportunity to attack our state. If I get into conflict with General Lian Po, it would allow opportunity for the Qin to wage their attack, and our state would be in great danger. I shouldn't sacrifice the future of my country for personal dignity." Later, what Lin Xiangru said was heard by Lian Po, who was greatly ashamed of himself. He took off his upper garments and went to Lin Xiangru's house with a rod, where he knelt down in front of Lin Xiangru, gave Lin the rod and begged a good lash as a punishment. Seeing this, Lin Xiangru threw away the rod immediately and raised Lian Po from his knees. From then on the two became intimate friends and contributed to their country with their individual strengths, one in battles, the other in foreign affairs, and Qin was terrified by the strengthening of Zhao even more.
"负荆请罪" means bearing a rod to ask for punishment. It is used when a person realizes his mistakes and offers a humbleapology by accepting punishment willingly.
1. 这件事情我做错了,今天特地来向你负荆请罪。 I am in the wrong, and today I have come specifically to 负荆请罪.
2. 负荆请罪是一种十分难得的精神,它体现了人知错就改的美好品德。 负荆请罪 is a good virtue, which shows one is willing to be responsible for his mistakes.