
拔山举鼎 Bá shān jǔ dǐng

拔山举鼎 Bá shān jǔ dǐng


In the end of Qin Dynasty, there was a famous anti-Qin general, named Xiang Yu. He did not like to study when he was young and thought it was useless to read books. He thought it was already enough for himself to remember his own name . His uncle Xiang Liang  found it very frustrating and saw no other option than to teach him martial arts. He never expected that young Xiang Yu would have such a strong interest and never complain. He practiced day and night; his swordsmanship became more refined and his body became stronger . It is said that he could lift a bronze tripod with the weight of a few hundred kilos at the age of 12.   


After awhile, Xiang Yu was no longer satisfied with merely learning  swordsmanship. He was determined to learn military strategy and tactics in order to make great achievements. In the end, as a result of his diligence and great efforts, he became a well-known general  and overthrew the rule of Qin Dynasty with Liu Bang.


秦朝:(qíncháo)PN. Qin Dynasty (BC 221—206)

将领:(jiànglǐng)n. high-ranking military officer; general

勤奋:(qínfèn)adj. diligent; assiduous; industrious; hardworking

剑法:(jiàn fǎ)n. swordsmanship

强壮:(qiángzhuàng)adj. strong

据说:(jùshuō)n. it is said; they say

鼎:(dǐng)n. an ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs

立志:(lìzhì)adv. resolve; be determined

成就:(chéngjiù)v/n. achieve; accomplish; achievement

番:(fān)MW. for a course/a turn/ time

事业:(shìyè)n. cause; undertaking

推翻:(tuīfān)v. overthrow; overturn

统治:(tǒngzhì)v/n. rule; dominate



"拔山举鼎"means a person is strong enough to move mountains and lift tripods.


1、 超人力量巨大,拔山举鼎,是传说中最厉害的英雄之一。
As one of the most powerful heroes in legend, superman has enourmous strength.

2、 只要对毒品上瘾了,即使你有拔山举鼎的力量,也很难戒掉。
If you have a drug addiction, it is very difficult to quit, even if you have great strength.