故事 Story
A passenger wanted to go to the airport and hailed a cab.
He asked the driver: "How long does it take to go to the airport?"
The driver answered: "That would take a long time."
"起码要多久?(Qǐ mǎ yào duō jiǔ) (How much time will it take at least)?", said the passenger.
The driver replied: "骑马(起码)要更久(Qí mǎ yào gèng jiǔ) (It would take even longer if you ride a horse.)!"
词语注释 Note
路人:(lù rén) n. passer-by
师傅:(shīfu) n. master, general address used to call the people of certain occupations
机场:(jīchǎng) n. airport
多久:(duō jiǔ) how long
挺:(tǐng) adv. fairly, pretty, quite
起码:(qímǎ) adv. at least
骑马:(qí mǎ) n. riding a horse
更:(gèng) adv. even, more
语言点Language Point
"骑马"和"起码"这两个词发音是一样的,但是意思却完全不一样。"骑马"就是riding a horse,但是"起码"呢?
"骑马(qí mǎ)" and "起码(qímǎ)" pronounce exactly the same but their meanings are quite different. "骑马(qí mǎ)" means riding a horse, and what about "起码(qímǎ)"?
Originally, "起码(qímǎ)" was used in gambling. "码(mǎ)" refers to jettons, and "起码(qímǎ)" refers to the minimumamount of gamble fund to bet. Later it has extended in meaning to indicate "at least, at lowest and in minimum".
You need to put on at least 30 kg to play that role.
At least three students are absent in their class.