故事 Story伊迪丝:历史老师简直是个老古董。
Edith:Our history teacher is
actually quite old-fashioned.
Katrina: Old-fashioned? How old is he?
Edith: He's 40.
Katrina: Forty years old is not old enough.
词语注释 Note历史:(lìshǐ)n. history老师:(lǎo shī)n. teacher简直:(jiǎn zhí)adv. simply, almost, at all个: (gè)individual, a/an, one古董:(gǔ dǒng)n. antique, old-fashioned article岁:(suì)n. year算:(suàn)v. to count, calculate语言点 Language Point1. 老古董
"古老董" means an
antique or someone old-fashioned; an old fogy.
例如(for example):
①你的父亲真是个老古董。 Your father is
actually quite unique.
②他的这辆车真是件老古董。 That car of his is a real museum piece.
③这些花瓶年代久远,是老古董了。 These vases are centuries old.
2. 多大了
"How old..." is an expression meant to ask someone's age.
例如(for example):
①你知道我多大了吗? Do you know how old I am?
②你爸爸多大了? How old is your father?
3. 不算是
"算" means regard as or take as. "不算是" means that two things are not the same, or that one does not belong to the other.
例如(for example):
① 他也不算是绝对的垃圾嘛!He is not
definiterubbish after all.
② 情况还不算是无可挽回。The situation is not yet beyond repair.
③ 小孩发烧38.5度,算不算是低烧?
Is a 38.5-degree fever a low fever for a child?
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