海内存知己,天涯若比邻Hǎinèi cún zhījǐ, tiānyá ruò bǐlínIf you have a friend who knows your heart, distance cannot keep you two apart用法说明 "海内存知己,天涯若比邻"是中国古诗中的一句话,意思是四海之内,我们是知心的朋友,虽然离得很远,但是感觉就像邻居那么近。海内:四海之内,泛指中原大地;天涯:离国家中心区域很远的地方;比邻:邻居。
"海内存知己,天涯若比邻" is from an ancient Chinese poem. It means although the friend may be far away, distance cannot keep you apart, as your friendship rests within the heart. "海内 "is the whole country which refers to central plain in general. "天涯"is the place far from the central region of the country. "比邻" refers to neighbors.
例句1. 甲:明天你就要回国了。Jiǎ:Míngtiān nǐ jiù yào huí guó le.A:You return to your home country tomorrow.乙:没关系,海内存知己,天涯若比邻,我们常联系。Yǐ:Méi guānxi, hǎinèi cún zhījǐ, tiānyá ruò bǐlín, women cháng liánxi.B:It doesn't matter. Distance cannot keep us apart. We will keep in touch.2. 甲:中国有句古话叫"海内存知己,天涯若比邻"。Jiǎ:Zhōngguó yǒu jù gǔhuà jiào" hǎinèi cún zhījǐ, tiānyá ruò bǐlín".A:There is an old saying in Chinese that goes, "If you have a friend who knows your heart, distance cannot keep you two apart."乙:有了现代化的交通工具,距离已经不再是问题了。Yǐ:Yǒule xiàndàihuà de jiāotōng gōngjù,jùlí yǐjīng búzài shì wèntí le.B:With modern transport tools, distance is no longer a problem.