
接风 jiēfēng to give a dinner for a visitor from afar

to give a dinner for a visitor from afar

释义 Meaning

       "接风"和"洗尘(xǐchén字面意思是洗去尘土)" 意义相同,都是精心地为从远处来的客人或者回来的人准备饭菜。两词经常连用。

"接风"( jiēfēng) and "洗尘(literal meaning of washing dust)" (xǐchén)share the same meaning of giving a reception in honor of a guest or a person from far away. People often use both of them together.

例句 Sentences

Tā zhèngzài zhǔnbèi yí dùn fēngshèng de fàncài wèi zhàngfu jiēfēng.
She is preparing square meal to welcome her husband home.

Nǐn búyòng kèqi, wèi yuándào ér lái de kèrén jiēfēng xǐchén shì wǒmen zhōngguǒrén de chuántǒng xíguàn.
You are welcome. It is a Chinese traditional custom to give a dinner to welcome guests form far away.