团购 tuángòu Group purchase
团购tuángòuGroup purchase释义 Meaning 团购的字面意思是团体购物,指认识的或者不认识的人一起买东西,这样可以求得最优价格。团购时,商家一般会给出低于零售价格的团购折扣和单独购买得不到的优质服务,这样就可以卖出更多的产品,从中获利。现在团购的主要方式是网络团购,也有某单位集体购买。"团购"is a type of purchasing behavior that a group of people use to obtain discounts from vendors using their collective buying power. The vendors always offer a lower price as well as additional qualified service in group purchase. They can sell more products and get more profit. Nowadays, the most common way of group purchasing lies on the internet. There are group purchasing such as a company buys goods for it's employees as well.例句 Sentences1、我们在网上团购这本书吧,又快又便宜。Wǒmen zài wǎngshang tuángòu zhè běn shū ba, yòu kuài yòu piányi.Let's have a group purchase of this book on internet, which is faster and cheaper.2、现在中国的团购网站越来越多了,人们购买质优价廉产品的选择也越来越多了。Xiànzài Zhōngguó de tuángòu wǎngzhàn yuè lái yuè duō le, rénmen gòumǎi zhì yōu jià lián chǎnpǐn de xuǎnzé yě yuèláiyuè duō le.Now there are more and more websites on Group Purchase, and then there are more and more choices for people to buy cheap and fine goods.