拔尖(儿)bájiān(r) the top best;
outstanding拔尖(儿)bájiān(r)the top best; outstanding释义 Meaning "拔尖"是口语词,常用的有两个意思,一是形容人或者事物是超出一般的,最好的;二是指某人遇到事情或者比较大的场面,喜欢出风头。"拔尖" is a spoken language which describes people or things better than the ordinary ones or the top best. It also refers someone who likes to show off coming off a thing or big occasion.例句 Sentences1.她这个人心直口快,个性强,遇事爱拔尖。Tā zhè ge rén xīnzhí kǒukuài,gèxìng qiáng ,yù shì ài bájiān.She is outspoken with strong personality, and loves to show off.2.李明一直是班里拔尖的学生。Lǐ Míng yìzhí shì bānlǐ bájiānr de xuéshéng.Li Ming is always the best student in his class.