败家子 a spendthrift or a
prodigal son squandering the family fortune
败家子bài jiā zǐa spendthrift or a prodigal son squandering the family fortune释义 Meaning "败家子" 指挥霍或任意浪费家产的人。"败家子"means a person who squanders family fortune.例句 Sentences1、他三年就把他爸爸留给他的遗产全花光了,真是个败家子。Tā sān nián jiù bǎ tā bàba liúgěi tā de yíchǎn quán huā guāng le, zhēn shì gè bài jiā zǐ.He is a black sheep who squandered the heritage left by his father only in three years.2、这小子是个败家子,就知道糟蹋钱!Zhè xiǎozi shì gè bài jiā zǐ, jiù zhīdào zāota qián!He is a spendthrift who just wastes money!