rénròu sōusuǒ
Internet human flesh search
人肉搜索rénròu sōusuǒInternet human flesh search用法说明: "人肉搜索"就是利用现代信息科技,变传统的网络信息搜索为人找人、人问人的网络社区活动,也就是在互联网上发动众人一起来搜索的意思,一般都可以在最短的时间得到想要的答案。
"人肉搜索" means using modern information technology to search for
actual people rather than information. It launches groups of people to search for something together, usually returning the desired answer in the shortest time possible.
例句:1. 没过多久, 人肉搜索就被用于探听明星的小道消息了。Méi guò duōjiǔ, rénròu sōusuǒ jiù bèi yòngyú tàntīng míngxīng de xiǎodào xiāoxi le.Soon thereafter, human flesh searches were used to sniff out celebrity gossip.2. 随着人肉搜索逐渐成熟, 搜索的范围也扩大了。Suízhe rénròu sōusuǒ zhújiàn chéngshú, sōusuǒ de fànwéi yě kuòdà le.As human flesh searches gradually mature, the areas searched also expand.