Authorities investigating the Boston Marathon blasts that killed three and injured more than 175 believe the two bombs were assembled from household
pressure cookers, a crude but
effectiveexplosive that has been thwarted before in U.S.
terror plots.
Investigators are exploring whether the bombs were assembled not far from the scene of Monday's horrific explosions since transporting such improvised devices over any
significant distance could
trigger a premature detonation, according to a law-enforcement official with knowledge of the matter.
Working with local police,
federal agents are canvassing Boston hotels and short-term rentals for clues on where the bombs could have been constructed, the official said.
More than 24 hours after the attacks, no one had claimed
responsibility and no
suspect had been identified.
上述官员说,在美国海关与边境保护局(U.S. Customs and Border Protection)人员的协助下,美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)的特工一直在核查最近抵达波士顿洛根机场(Logan Airport)的航班旅客名单,以期找到蛛丝马迹。
Federal Bureau of Investigation agents, with the
assistance of U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel, have been scrutinizing passenger lists from flights that had recently arrived at Boston's Logan Airport for clues, the official said.
Among the injured, more than 20 were in
critical condition, hospitals said. Thirteen people had to have limbs amputated.
波士顿多切斯特 (Dorchester)街区的八岁男孩理查德(Martin Richard)在爆炸中丧生,他的母亲和妹妹伤势严重。来自马萨诸塞州梅德福(Medford)的29岁餐馆经理坎贝尔(Krystle Campbell)遇难。一位身份没有披露的波士顿大学(Boston University)研究生死亡。
The blasts killed 8-year-old Martin Richard of Boston's Dorchester section, whose mother and sister were
seriously injured; 29 year-old Krystle Campbell, a
restaurantmanager from Medford, Mass.; and a Boston University graduate student whose
identity wasn't released.
爆炸案发生时正在为妹妹卡门•阿卡伯(Carmen Acabbo)加油的塞莱斯特•科科伦(Celeste Corcoran)是众多截肢的伤者之一。这位来自马萨诸塞州洛厄尔(Lowell)的47岁美发师失去了双腿,她18岁的女儿西德尼(Sydney)伤势严重。
Celeste Corcoran, who was at the race to cheer on her sister, Carmen Acabbo, was one of many victims whose limbs were amputated. The 47-year-old hairdresser from Lowell, Mass., lost both legs, and her 18-year-old daughter, Sydney, was grievously injured.
But when Ms. Corcoran came out of
surgery Monday night, her first thought, Ms. Acabbo said, 'was that she was so mad she didn't get to see me finish.'
Ms. Acabbo responded: 'I finished my marathon and now I'm going to run yours with you, every step of the way.'
炸弹中据信使用的材料与年轻的得克萨斯士兵阿卜杜(Naser Jason Abdo)曾搜集的材料非常吻合。2011年,他因策划攻击其他士兵而在得克萨斯州被美国联邦调查局提起指控。
The materials believed to have been used in the bombs closely match those that Naser Jason Abdo, a young Texas soldier, had amassed before he was charged by the FBI in Texas in 2011 with plotting to attack fellow soldiers.
一位美国联邦调查局的专家在阿卜杜的庭审中作证时说,依照在阿卜杜背包中发现的一本基地组织(al Qaeda)杂志上介绍的做法,用他收集的材料制造一枚炸弹需要约30分钟,材料包括一个压力锅、火药、几个钟表和电工胶带。
expert testified at his trial that it would have taken about 30 minutes to build a bomb using materials Mr. Abdo had gathered