


Michael和李华白天上了好几门课,晚饭后又做功课。李华决定到Michael 的住处去休息一下,看一会电视。今天Michael 会教李华两个常用语:nerd 和cheesy。

M:Are you okay, Li Hua? What's wrong? Why are you crying?


M:You are such a nerd.

L:你叫我什么?A nerd? 我知道那不是什么好话,可是nerd到底是什么意思呢?

M:If you call someone a nerd, it means you think he is weird and not cool. It can be used in many different situations.

L:噢,nerd是指那种跟一般人不一样,有点怪的人。Nerd可以用在许多不同场合。那象你今天穿了这套衣服,怪怪的,我就可以说:You're a nerd。 对不对?

M:Me? A nerd? Well, yes, you could call me a nerd.

L:我肯定好多人都叫你a nerd。

M:As a matter of fact, when I was growing up, a lot of kids called me a nerd because I didn't fit in.


M:Well, as you know I was never very good at sports, and I never knew how to fit in with the cool kids.


M:A typical nerd is someone who wears glasses and carries a lot of books.


M:That's right. If someone is always studying, or seems to know the answers to everything, you can call him a nerd.


M:I guess so! Li Hua, That TV show is so cheesy. I don't know why it's so popular.

L:这个电视剧好多人都喜欢,包括我在内 。可你又在说什么批评的话, 我不知道cheesy是什么意思,但是我知道你在说它不好。

M:Cheesy means tacky or dumb. It's usually used to describe a TV show, movie, or something someone says.

L:噢,cheesy就是很俗气,质量很次,很愚蠢。人们经常用cheesy 这个词来形容电视节目,电影或者某个人说的话。

M:I think the new TV soap opera on Channel 6 is so cheesy. It is fake and the things they say on the shows are so weird. I don't know why these shows are so popular.


M:How can those cheesy TV shows make you cry? You're such a nerd.

L:什么? 你说我是个nerd?

M:Don't be mad, Li Hua. But you are a nerd. No one cries while watching these cheesy TV shows!

L:我才不信呢。你们这些不流眼泪的人缺乏感情,你们才是nerd。 我不跟你说了,我要回去了。

M:No, no, Li Hua. Wait, at least you have to finish watching this cheesy TV show so that you know who's going to marry whom.


看来今天李华真是生气了,因为Michael说她是个nerd, 也就是说她这个人有点怪。后来她同意继续在Michael 家看完那个很cheesy的电视节目。Cheesy 就是很俗气, 没有水平的意思。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里。我们下次再见。


