Larry和李华在海滩享受温暖的阳光。不过李华有点心事,因为她的朋友Joe向她借了钱,却一直没还。今天李华会学到两个常用语:deadbeat和cool it。
(Ambience sound on the beach)
LL: Li Hua, relax and enjoy the day. Joe isn't a deadbeat. He'll pay you back as soon as he can.
LH: 我也希望Joe会还我钱。你说Joe不是一个deadbeat,那是什么意思啊?
LL: A deadbeat is someone who does not pay his/her debts or fulfill his/her obligations. Joe is not a deadbeat. He always pays people back.
LH: A deadbeat就是一个故意赖帐的人。你说Joe不是那样的人,可要是他一直不还我钱,那我该怎么跟他提这件事,又不伤他的自尊心呢?这事真麻烦!
LL: You're right; money is an awkward subject. I usually just avoid lending people money altogether. That way I don't have to worry about deadbeats.
LH: 唉,我也不喜欢借钱给别人,可我是真的想帮他忙。
LL: Yeah, I know what you mean. Just be careful who you help in the future: there are a lot of deadbeats out there.
LH: 我知道,下回我再要借钱给别人,一定会格外小心,因为借钱不还的人还是有的。对了,Larry,我还听过别人说deadbeat dads。那是什么意思啊?
LL: Well, after a divorce, a man is supposed to send money to his ex-wife to help her support their children. A man who doesn't send money is a "deadbeat dad."
LH: 噢,我懂了,A deadbeat dad就是离婚后不肯负担孩子抚养费的父亲。
LL: Exactly. I know a guy whose father was a deadbeat dad. The poor guy's mother had to work three jobs to support her children.
LH: 这个妈妈要做三份工来抚养她的孩子,就是因为爸爸不肯抚养孩子。难道法律都不惩罚这些不负责任的父亲吗?
LL: Well, the courts can tell a deadbeat dad that he needs to pay child support, but that doesn't mean that he actually will.
LH: 什么!法庭告诉他们要付钱,他们不付也没事呀?唉,真是糟糕!
LL: Wow! Those kids over there are really loud. I wish they'd cool it.
LH: 那些孩子是挺吵的。你要他们怎么着,cool it?什么意思呀?
LL: I wish they would "cool it" means calm down. It can also mean to stop what one is doing.
LH: 噢,cool it就是安静下来,或者停止做某件事的意思。你的意思是要这些孩子别再吵了。
LL: Exactly. I wonder where their parents are? I'm surprised that their parents haven't told them to cool it yet.
LH: 就是啊,那些孩子在那里鬼吼鬼叫好一会儿了。他们的爸妈到底听见了没?怎么不好好管教自己的孩子呢?
LL: It's hard to enjoy the day with such noisy kids around. I'm considering going over there myself and telling them to "cool it."
LH: 啊?你想自己过去叫那些孩子安静一点?我不知道这样做好不好呢。
LL: Why not? Their parents obviously aren't going to do it and those kids are ruining the day for a lot of people.
LH: Larry,也许你该冷静一点,cool it,别跟那些孩子一般见识了。不然,我们可以搬到远一点的地方坐。
LL: Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
LH: 来吧,我们把东西收一收,搬到海滩的另一边去好了。
LL: Okay, let's go.
今天李华学到两个常用语。第一个是deadbeat,是指借钱不还,故意赖帐的人。另一个常用语是cool it,是指安静下来,或停止做某件事。