
一、But 题型
B:......,but .......
重点:听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。
e.g. (这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的)
A: I suppose you've bought some gifts for your family.
B: Well, I've bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But I've not decided what to buy for my mother. Probably some jewels.
Question: Who did the man buy the book for?
Answer: His sister.

文章标签:听力  技巧  提高  英语听力  英语听力提高