高薪人人想拥有,但是高薪可不是天上掉馅饼的事,你得自己去争取。下面是一些谈判薪水常用的表达,注意研究一下其中的技巧哦! 范例一: 单位主管:你目前(或上一份工作)的待遇是多少?How much do you make now? (Or how much did you make at your last job?) 应征者: (1)我目前(或上一份工作)月薪是三万五千块,加上两个月的年终奖金。I am
presently (or was) making 35 thousand dollars plus 2 months in year-end bonus. (2)我的薪水低于平均水平 。I am (or was) making less than average pay. 来源:考(3)对不起,我不想回答;因为这两份工作的职务与行业都不一样,两者无法相提并论,所以不如请您告诉我公司规定的起薪是多少? I am sorry but I'd rather not answer your question because these two jobs are
totally different in nature. It's apples and oranges. This job has nothing to do with my current (or last) job. Would you be able to tell me what starting salary I should expect? 来源:考注:虽说应征者面试时要尽量配合资方的询问,但如果你真的不想回答某些问题的话,可以婉拒;记住语调要客气,脸上要挂着微笑哦。来源:考范例二: 单位主管: 你的希望待遇是多少?(这高出我们的预算。) What is your expected salary? (That's more than we had planned.) 来源:考应征者: (1)就这个工作而言,以我的学历/能力/经验,理想是三万五左右,但希望不低过三万块月薪。(我相信这个要求很合理。) Based on my education/skills/experiences
relevant to this job, my ideal is 35 thousand but not lower than 30 thousand a month. (I believe this is very reasonable.) (2)我希望有四万出头。(您将会发觉我是物超所值。) I am looking for something in the low 40 thousand range. (You will find I am worth every dollar that you pay me.) (3)我想要求五万五到六万(但这可以再商量)。 I would like to have 55 to 60 thousand (but that's negotiable).