
Never mind Apple's latest results. Whether the shares make a good stocking stuffer depends on how many iPhones and iPads sell during the Christmas season -- and whether Apple can strike new distribution deals in the new year.


The September quarter was fine. Apple sold 26.9 million iPhones, a bit more than analysts had expected. But the iPhone 5 was released toward the end of September. So most of the pent-up demand for the new device will hit the December quarter, when analysts expect Apple will sell around 50 million iPhones.

截止于9月底的这一财季还不错。苹果在这一财季总共卖出了2,690万部iPhone,稍稍高于分析师的预期。不过iPhone 5是在快到9月底时才上市的,因此对这款新手机的需求将在今年第四季度爆发出来,分析师预计,苹果将在这一季度卖出大约5,000万部iPhone。

It is a similar story for Apple's next most important product, the iPad. Apple sold 14 million tablets, which was a few million short of expectations.


But part of the problem was likely that some buyers put off purchases in anticipation of the release of the iPad Mini, which won't be available until early November.

不过出现这一问题的部分原因可能在于,一些买家因为在等着iPad Mini,所以推迟了购买行为。iPad Mini要到11月份才能上市。

One sign of strong sales, at least for iPhones, is that Apple is still complaining of constrained supply more than a month after its newest phone went on sale.

显示苹果产品旺销的一个迹象是(至少对iPhone而言),苹果在iPhone 5上市销售一个多月之后还在抱怨供应吃紧。

But even as the December quarter is so important for Apple, it may be harder than usual for investors to predict. The quarter is one week shorter -- at 13 weeks -- compared with the December quarter a year ago.


Also, last year, the iPhone 4S rolled out in October, meaning none of the pent up demand for that device was absorbed in the prior quarter -- unlike the iPhone 5.

更何况,去年推出的iPhone 4S是在10月份上市的,也就是说,市场对这一产品的井喷式需求没有在上一财季被部分吸收,而iPhone 5的情况则有所不同。

Last, Apple's margins may be depressed this quarter considering it is rolling out so many new products. Profits should be maximized as the company gains efficiencies when production ramps up.


China should help. Sales in that country were 15% of Apple's total in the fiscal year ended September. But with the company likely to sign a deal with China Mobile, the world's largest carrier, to officially sell the iPhone, it could be a fruitful new year.

中国也能助苹果一臂之力。在截至九月底的这个财年,苹果在中国的销售额占到了其总销售额的15%。不过,考虑到苹果很可能跟全球最大的电信运营商中国移动(China Mobile)达成销售iPhone的协议,新的一年或许将是硕果累累的一年。

Rolfe Winkler

Rolfe Winkler