

美国的私募股票,这种股票的发行没有向美国证券交易委员会注册,因此不容易转让。也称"信函证券"(letter securities),这一术语包括信函股票和信函债券。按美国证券交易委员会的规定,信函证券购买者需出具"投资信函"(investment letter),表明购买这些证券是出于投资目的而不是为了转售。

Letter Stock的英文解释

A US privately issued security, which is not registered with the SEC and is thus not easy to transfer. Also known as letter securities, a term which covers letter bonds as well as letter stocks or shares. A SEC rule requires the purchaser to lodge an "investment letter" saying the purchase is for investment and not for resale.

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