

富时100指数是伦敦证券交易所的基准股价指数,英文发音为"the Footsie"。 该指数的成分股为英国市值最大的100只股票,占股市成交量的70%。 该指数是按股票市值加权的股价指数,是伦敦国际金融期货交易所(LIFFE)的指数期货和期权合约的标的指数。 网址:www.ftse.com

FTSE 100的英文解释

The FTSE 100 is the benchmark index for equity prices on the London Stock Exchange. Known as the 'Footsie' it comprises 100 of the largest UK stocks, by market capitalization, accounting for about 70 percent of stock turnover. The FTSE is a capitalization-weighted index and is the basis for index futures and options contracts traded on LIFFE.

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