

一种因预料价格会下跌而卖出或使卖出大于买入的头寸。空头头寸可以通过买入等额的金融工具而平仓。因空头头寸而买入称"空头回补"(shortcovering)。在先前未建立多头头寸的情况下卖出, 则称为"卖空"(shortselling)。

Short Position的英文解释

A position showing a sale or a greater number of sales over purchases in anticipation of a fall in prices. A short position can be closed out through the purchase of an equivalent amount. Buying back from a short position is known as shortcovering. Selling into a market without a prior long position is called short-selling.

文章标签:翻译  词汇  词典  股票词汇